Xenia Sobchak

Author: Denis Zakharov
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Let's talk about Xenia Sobchak and why she needs to get sanctioned by every possible Western country now. Short version: she is killing both russians and Ukrainians.

This name might tell nothing to you but she is one of the most famous women in Russia. It's safe to say that every russian knows her in some way or another.

Is she a political figure? An influencer? A journalist? A media manager? She is like everything and nothing at the same time. Xenia switches her roles on the fly navigated by financial streams.

She will get her air time on TV as a presidential candidate just to sell you bullshit on Instagram a month later. Smart, cynical, shameless.

She is the daughter of the first elected mayor of Saint Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak. If this doesn't ring the bell, let me help you. He was the one who brought Putin into power. Volodya was his PA basically, you can see his stupid face almost on every public photo of Sobchak

Sobchak died from a heart attack right during his campaign for Putin. There is a lot of evidence that tells he was poisoned. His wife arranged the autopsy but keeps the results secret even today. This can give you some idea of who might be the poisoner.

His daughter moves from Saint Petersburg to Moscow in the early 2000's and uses her name as a pass to every fancy nightclub. Xenia becomes a well-known person among Moscow elites. The rumors of her connections with Putin are spreading like wildfire.

But she wants more fame. In 2004 she gets cast as the host of "House 2" - the reality show that is Big Brother, but very long. It's still on air. To give you a glimpse of what it is, here's a 2-hour long compilation of fights on the show. youtu.be: ДОМ 2 ВСЕ ДРАКИ С РЕАЛИТИ ШОУ

Xenia wakes up famous. She is the '#1 blonde in the country', russian Paris Hilton. This connection was actively forced by Xenia and the media, so the two even met. Just look at this photo. The fact this is from "Miss Ukraine" just adds to the absurdity.

So we see the living representation of glamour, wealth and, let me say, intended mediocrity. But suddenly... Xenia falls in love.

She falls in love with russian revolution and it's on the rise. It's 2011 and Xenia surprises everyone, she joins the protesters, she is on the stage, and she is against Putin. People can't believe their eyes, the crowd 'boo's' at her but Xenia doesn't care.

"Don't trust her, she is not Navalny or Yashin, she is a Kremlin agent" is something on everyone's mind. But Xenia is smart, you remember? She starts to sleep with Ilya Yashin, and that's how she gets closer to Navalny and the rest.

Goodbye, Paris! Xenia is now a smart serious journalist, who is unapologetic, ironic, and mature. She becomes a regular host at TV Rain - one of the biggest opposition media in the country. She is writing for Snob, she is a guest on Echo MSK.

Xenia gets banned from official media - no TV presence or government contracts, what a fighter! She acts like 'our person in their camp', being able to talk shit directly to minister Medinsky or ask Putin a serious question during his press conference.

Yes, Xenia accumulates trust and gains this new politically active smart audience, but for what? Maybe she is a decent person after all? It's the year 2018 and it's time to learn.

Putin is getting reelected and he wants the public image of a good fight. He needs someone well-known in opposition but with no chance to win. For regular people from 2018, there are 2 opposition figures they can easily name - Navalny and Sobchak.

Navalny wants to fight for the presidency, travels through the country, and gets more support. He is fearless and the regular frameworks like 'just ban motherfucker from TV' do not work - Alexey is all over the internet. So they ban him. Because he is a convicted felon.

Suddenly, the news break! No Xenia Sobchak didn't support Navalny, she is now a presidential candidate herself. Her motto is "Sobchak - your vote against everybody". youtu.be: Ксения Собчак — кандидат "против всех". Подборка позора.

There is a movement of election observers in Russia and they needed people for problematic areas - Mordovia, Dagestan, Chechnya. I agreed to go just like hundreds of other brave people.

In order to observe you need a permit from the candidate. Usually, every party distributes thousands of permits and they end up in non-profits. You can get a permit from KPRF or even United Russia, it doesn't matter, it's just the formality.

Xenia does the unthinkable. She calls back her permits during election day. And we are in these regions, and this paper is our only protection. KPRF, LDPR, or any other pro-putin party never did it. Opposition sweetheart Xenia Sobchak did.

That's unforgivable you say, her future is fucked. But Xenia is smart, she knows how people forget anything. She lays low and starts to build her own media from the scratch. She rip-offs the popular interview format and adds her charm to the formula.

2022, Xenia is an active antiwar voice with a huge audience, a big YouTube channel, and her own fleet of journalists under the Ostorojno brand. The new trap is being installed, with more people than ever running into it. When is it going to close?

It is September 2022 and Putin calls for mobilization. People get to the war directly from recruitment offices. No one knows what to do. Everyone is looking for any expertise. And here comes your friendly neighbor Xenia Sobchak.

She calls in an expert who tells that you can go to the draft board if you are sure you can't be drafted. He says there are chances for you to find justice. No worries, just be smart, fight for your rights and everything is gonna be fine.

This video got 4 million views. 4 million people heard that you will not be criminally abducted and it's okay to visit a draft board. 4 million people can now spread this knowledge through their friends. Good job, Xenia, you just did your job perfectly once again.

These people she tricked will get to the war. They will kill, they will be killed. And that's just because they decided to trust Xenia Sobchak. She is a mass murderer - without weapons but with weaponized lies.

That should not be forgotten or forgiven. @pevchikh @alburov , she needs to be on every fucking sanction list on the earth.

Tag your local politicians, share this information, and help me to take her down. These sleeping agents are way more dangerous than regular pro-war idiots. They kill and they will continue to kill.

They believe that they are smart enough to slip under radars. But you know what, Xenia? NOT FUCKING TODAY. Thread over.