Don't trust russians to serve as translators

Author: Ketkin
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ah shit, here we go again. For those who still don't understand why so many ukrainians don't trust russians even if they claim they're "against war", I have yet another example for you. Translation of screenshots below:

Machine translation of the news report regarding the rally:

Now, let's see what that woman wrote in a FB group, shall we? Original and machine translation are on the pics. Note, how she writes a banner saying "Russia is a terrorist", while it was explicitly written "Russia is a terrorist STATE". It's a really important difference here

Next sentence: "Accordingly with all ensuing conclusions". What conclusions? That russian federation commits terrorism on a state level? yeah, what about it? It's a fact and some countries have recognized ru as a state sponsor of terrorism. She doesn't like facts? oh well

Then she claims that banner somehow calls toward hatred to the whole "russian world". How exactly? By stating facts? Where is a CALL for hatred here? Please, show me. Is she saying that calling ru a terrorist state will make people hate ru? i wonder why she's thinking that

Further down she distances herself from responsibility: "i wasn't participating in a rally", "russian speaking residents noticed and complained to the police...", while she was the one complaining, she, herself, not some abstract"THEM".

Next she complains about local news that apparently intentionally served a story under different sauce. Oh, those evil local news spreading russophobia by writing about police clarification! How dare they post police statement! But dw folks, she've already sent complaints there

And now she claims that banner was removed on the police recommendation and complains about some wave of aggression. This is police statement btw, check for yourself whether they gave out such recommendation.

In her FB post she also shows a screenshot from rally participants reactions afterwards. Unlike her, i actually want to protect other's privacy and covered all numbers, not just her own all the way down.

It goes without a context obviously, just a screenshot. And that woman in her post then claims that those Ukrainians were calling for elimination about russian language. She's manipulating. I bet that sentence was a reply to classic ru trope: you all speak Russian anyway!

Because you see, if you speak russian, you're a part of a "russian world" to russians. So yes, Ukrainians replied that they'll try to remove as much russian language as they can from their life. Anybody wonders why? anyone?

All this post contains manipulation after manipulation on top of manipulation with manipulation coating. It's a classic strategy that's been extremely successful for decades. DARVO+blatant lies+victim behavior+half-truths...list goes on.

So yes, many Ukrainians don't trust russians in general, because multiple times ru citizens took advantage of Ukrainians in their most vulnerable state. Yes, not every Ukrainian who fled the war has a privilege of learning Finnish or even English for comfy life abroad.

Yes, not every Ukrainian has enough mental strength and resources to do it even know, some people went through hell on earth and need more time to adapt and deal with a freaking trauma. (some people at the rally were from Mariupol)

So yes, when that woman translated to ukrainians that apparently police told them to remove the banner, what are the odds that she also "misunderstood" if she was the one complaining? I'm sick and tired of this.

P.S. i'm sorry for some autocorrect mistakes, noticed them after sending the whole thread.