Why the thread’s matter

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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There is a reason why I make all of this public - it's important for people to see what a 🇺🇦 person goes through every day. It's not just a "feverish twitter spats".

📚 Re subtitles - sorry, more than this? - ukraine-dao.notion.site: Translations by Yuriy - Translators & Writers Pod Lead

I was under impression that our team, @garbanzo0813 in particular and myself were doing well on that front.

Here's our last piece of work - @MuKappa, @tiinakatariina @garbanzo0813 & others helped a lot.

I just talked to @garbanzo0813 about it 2 days ago, but will repeat again - translating content like that is deeply traumatising for Ukrainians.

Yura and I often feel physically sick from just reading what we need to translate. Don't take it for granted. And certainly please, for the love of god, don't tell us what and how much we should do while we are being killed.

I coordinate work of over 150 people every day across different projects, all of them for Ukraine. Neglected everything a normal person does in normal times, why do I have people telling me I'm not doing enough? Seriously don't get it. twitter.com/LvivNightingal…

Mentions of Ukraine on social media are falling day by day. It matters a lot, btw.

There is a reason why I do the things I do - if I didn’t explain it to someone personally, it doesn’t mean that reason is not there.

Yes, there could be an account like that - why don’t you set it up? I actually haven’t seen what you’re talking about (users asking for translations & getting ignored).

A lot of people also have stressful lives? Seriously? We made a database for those struggling people - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

Anything else I haven’t done?