Why I hate everything russian now

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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Hey @NikaMelkozerova, making you a whole 🧵 about why I hate everything russian as a russian speaker born and raised in Eastern Ukraine, why Ukrainians have the right to hate and why no one has the right to lecture us about how we should feel. I hope you find it helpful.

It's probably good to start from quoting a teacher from #Kharkiv "I taught russian language and literature. ...I instilled love for the 🇷🇺 language and literature. I’d love for those liberators to see what they liberated us from. From now on we will have nothing russian."

People who have the nerve to be telling Ukrainians how we shouldn't be so angry and "hateful" - please work on your emotional intelligence, empathy and humility. In the meantime - please shut the fuck up.

People who tell me I "make things worse" and "giving them bullets" - I don't need to say or do anything for russians to hate us. I can't make it any worse - the worst is already happening. Imagine that 🤯

Everyone is welcome to listen to the recording for a full explanation from me.

If you don't hate russia yet - enjoy your privilege. BTW, it's temporary. Not long left.

#StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraine #ArmUkraineNow

Repeating again if it's not clear yet:

⚡️If you don't hate russia, you just don't know it well enough ⚡️

#ArmUkraineNow so that you don't have to find out what it's like to be Ukrainian. #GenocideOfUkrainians #ArmUkraineNow saveualist.com: What Ukraine Needs To Win The War

A 🧵 about #russianWarCrimes

If after reading it someone feels the urge to come back and tell me that I shouldn't hate russians, they are a real fucked up human being. That's me being diplomatic and carefully wording my statement. #StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraineNow

About "russophobia".


❗️Good people who happen to be russian and born in russia hate russia too. Yes, absolutely all of them do. And so should you.

By silencing Ukrainians, you silence those good people too.

Check out this 🧵 to find out what happened recently when I said that right now, when I meet a 🇷🇺 person I don't know, they're "guity until proven innocent". What I meant is that unless a russian person is fighting against #GenocideOfUkrainians - they are complicit.

Yes, they are responsible on both collective and individual level. I know, the sense of personal responsibility is a completely alien concept to most russians, most Germans, most French people from what I see and in general to many people in this world.

It's not "putin's war", ok? He is just a product of their collective consciousness, that's all. Replace putin with @navalny - you might get something even worse.

I encourage everyone to read this 🧵 to better understand what I'm trying to say.

#russianWarCrimes #GenocideOfUkrainians #ArmUkraineNow #ArmUkraine #StandWithUkraine #stoprussia

And this 🧵 too.

#russianWarCrimes #GenocideOfUkrainians #ArmUkraineNow #ArmUkraine #StandWithUkraine #stoprussia

Tweets about me being suspended by @Twittertwitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…


@RussianEmbassy is feeling great herr for some reason.

✨Why was I suspended? twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

Here's a VERY outdated list of things I've been called lately. I'll try to update it today - there will be at least 3-4 tweets with new accusations, including me being a russian agent.

Repeating for the folks in the back:

⚡️Not every Ukrainian woman will have enough emotional resource to deal with this. And no 🇺🇦 woman should be abused like this.

It's not just misogyny/gender issue and etc etc.

I have a very big issue with the fact that Ukrainian men are being silenced every single day.

Btw, if someone wants to support them, I made a list with 3 of them that deserve a lot more recognition.

I also mentioned there a very under-appreciated Ukrainian woman - @ferlain: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

Excellent point. Proof?

🎙 Listen to this recording: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

📝 Summary here: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

@betelgeuse1922 is my friend from Moscow. He's known me for over 10 years.

💡Here's what he thinks: twitter.com/betelgeuse1922…

We are back tomorrow with a new Special Russophobic Operation, btw. @betelgeuse1922

#StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraineNow

It's super important that everyone watches this video by @brokenpixelua

#StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraineNow #ArmUkraine

Also please read this 🧵 he wrote.

✨ TLDR - if you want to lecture a Ukrainian person, please do us all a huge favor and fuck off 💝

🧵 about the characters of this story with the LEAST media coverage - russian Nazis: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

Day 110.

This needs to be updated.