Why Bellingcat is on the foreign assets list

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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🚨Why is Bellingcat on @Ukraine_DAO Foreign Assets List?

Before I address this question:

❓Forgive my ignorance but was imaginary Jewish "extremism" studied during the Holocaust too?

❓Are Ukrainians more dangerous than russians killing them?

twitter.com: @Ukraine_DAO/russian Foreign Assets / Twitter

🇷🇺 says so called "🇺🇦 Nazis" are persecuting russian speakers in Eastern Ukraine

I was born and raised there.

I speak svynosobacha on a native level.

Never seen any "🇺🇦 Nazis" and not scared of them tbh

But the russian ones are currently trying to kill my loved ones

I'll start from saying that the only real neo-Nazi problem in Ukraine is russians

Dear @bellingcat, professional investigative journalists should focus on the actual #GenocideOfUkrainians, russian Nazis of Rusich or the Russian Imperial Movement 👇

I want to remind everyone, that Ukrainians are currently being SLAUGHTERED.

Therefore, if I am now hurting someone's feelings or ego by calling out the lies that have made our suffering possible - I have no problem with that whatsoever.

I know that @bellingcat is a highly regarded group.

The fact that people trust what they say about Azov makes it a million times worse.

In case they struggle with basic fact checking or haven't been to Ukraine, I will help here a little bit.

cup.columbia.edu: From the Fires of War | Columbia University Press

Let's imagine you don't like the symbols Azov Regiment use.

❗️If you're a journalist, and you witness the genocide in Ukraine - Ukrainians being tortured and killed by russians, but you choose to focus on Azov's symbols, I'd recommend looking for another job.


According to @bellingcat, Olena (on the left on the photo with me) is the "First Lady of 🇺🇦 Nationalism"

I've been actually studying this war since the first days in 2014 to this day.

Olena is presented as a dangerous person, but actual 🇷🇺 Nazis aren't - it's laughable.

I'm not saying that @bellingcat are bad people, BTW. I don't know.

All I'm saying is that if they lived during WWII and were releasing books about how dangerous Jewish people were, during the Holocaust, their work wouldn't age very well.

Now breaking news for all the people who have never been to 🇺🇦 but want to educate me about Ukrainian extremism with links, photos and other products of RU propaganda and give me "context":

❗️I'm from there, guys so I really don't need your "context".

💓 You'll be blocked.

Here's better information about Azov. Please don't tell me about how amazing @bellingcat are with other stuff.

❗️It's on THEM to correct the false information.

❗️We should NOT put up with our defenders not getting help because of lies in the media

ukraine-dao.notion.site: #SaveAzov

For @bellingcat, @ColborneMichael and anyone else who doesn't understand why all of this is so important:

❗️Disinformation is a weapon

❗️That weapon has made this war possible

❗️If this isn't stopped, everything I love is erased out of existence through awful violence

I'll be VERY grateful if non-🇺🇦 people avoid giving me advice I didn't ask for.

I know, it's a wild thought that a 🇺🇦 person can actually know more about Ukraine than someone who's never been there 🤯

I'm under no obligation to listen to your opinion 🤯

If after reading this 🧵 you feel the sudden urge to westplain why I'm wrong, here's a good way to cope:

✅ assume I may know something you don't (🤯)

✅ explore this page to educate yourself about Ukraine, 🇷🇺 propaganda and many other things

ukraine-dao.notion.site: Cryptodrftng Threads

@ResidentMemer why are you surprised that I didn't waste time reading @ColborneMichael book if you can't even finish a 🧵 by a much more competent person?

Lies about Azov are extremely dumb and repetitive.

If I wanted some good phantasy, I'd go for Tolkien instead.

The genocide in Ukraine is happening right now because Ukrainians were not heard.

A lot of coverage of 🇺🇦 by foreign "journalists" has been actual fiction.

Continuing to not hear us and belittling our perspectives is appalling.

Never happened before and here we go again.