Why the UN is not doing its job

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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❌ Whatever russians say, sign etc is irrelevant - what matters is what they do.

✨ Here's a🧵about @UN which I believe should be dismantled at this point - twitter.com/ukraine_dao/st…

❤️ Sending lots of love to @SergiyKyslytsya, actual Ukrainian treasure 🇺🇦

⚡️International law doesn't matter either ⚡️

🛩 We need fighter jets - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

#ArmUkraineNow #StandWithUkraine️ 🇺🇦

We don't even need to go that far in the past, @MadMax25678931.

⁉️ Today, ruSSia is still on the @UN "Security Council" which gives it power to veto any resolutions.

💰The total budget for @UN "peacekeeping" for 2021-2022 is $6.38 billion: sgp.fas.org/crs/row/IF1059…

Very good question.

@SergiyKyslytsya shared the @UN charter.

A lot of people believe that @UN are useful and to me it's an opportunity to remind everyone that @UN are effectively helping 🇷🇺 commit #GenocideOfUkrainians

Comparable only with @ICRC - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…