How Ukraine DAO started

Author: Альона Шевченко
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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Trying to process this tonight.

The Telegram chat that turned into @Ukraine_DAO was set up on 21 Feb - 3 days before the genocidal invasion 💔

It was just @zencephalon, @DefiHope and me in the beginning.

@Ukraine_DAO remains a product of love for 🇺🇦 & conviction that it has agency and the right to defend itself from unprovoked russian aggression.

We help to make that #russiaNGMI

@Ukraine_DAO broke the perception of NFTs as just silly cartoon images, to show how they can solve real life problems.

✨ At some point, contributions were being received at an average rate of $1000 per minute, along with a 500 ETH donation from @OnlyFans

#Web3ForGood 🇺🇦

We organized both online and offline to serve @Ukraine and show how charity, war relief and evacuation efforts can be organized through DAOs - decentralized autonomous organizations.

#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦

@Ukraine_DAO Trucks went into an actual warzone to deliver food to civilians in the Kharkiv region. This has literally never been done before by a DAO.

The trucks are partially powered by ETH donations - huge thank you to @kmets_ for being their big supporter ❤️

@Ukraine_DAO is now supported by @mintsyfra of @Ukraine - first DAO in the world to have support at a state level.

It's a huge privilege for all of us to be able to help Ukraine, and also its defenders - through @BackAndAlive. #StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦

Forever grateful for all the love we get - not sure where I would be right now without the mentorship & support 8of @BlockGeekDima. He gave me the most valuable advice at some point - to remain authentic, just the way I am. Very happy I have followed this advice so far.

@VitalikButerin is an actual legend too. He found the time and empathy to call me on day 1, to really hear me, and to show unapologetic support even if it was going to piss off a million people.

Super grateful to each and every kind human supporting us ❤️

Also want to say a very big thank you to this actual queen - @drosewritings

🌱 Her excellent article "What Can DAOs Learn from Holacracy?" (shared with us by @dimka_eth) had a huge impact on @Ukraine_DAO development: What Can DAOs Learn from Holacracy? (Part I)

But the real heroes in this story are the Ukrainian people. Their unity and a sense of dignity still amaze me every day.

Each and every Ukrainian had to become a fighter - different frontlines for each of us.

We are under attack from every front.

But we are together ❤️

"Real empowerment requires boundaries and clear expectations via common law or governance." @drosewritings

Ukraine right now is really amazing; it’s operating as an offline DAO.

Everyone is doing whatever they can towards the same mission.

That's what a DAO is 🇺🇦

Our curent focus at @Ukraine_DAO is to help #ArmUkraineNow + counter russian propaganda.

The reason for that is because that's what Ukraine needs the most and we work around the clock to provide support and stop #russianLies.

I share more about how we work in this AMA:

Thank you again everyone ❤️

GN, have a great weekend! See you at @MindfulWebz Twitter Spaces on Sunday 😘

#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦 #russiaNGMI 10 ways to get involved with Ukraine DAO