On the history of Ethereum, Vitalik and Dima Buterins

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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✨Happy birthday, Ethereum chain!

🌱 Many people associate crypto with chasing profits, but there is so much more to it.

📣 Ethereum has given me a voice after years of me saying the same things I say now - but having no platform 💔

@VitalikButerin found the time and empathy to call me in the very beginning of the full scale invasion, and to really hear me

He has since shown unapologetic support to Ukraine ❤️🖤

If you think Vitalik is awesome, wait till you find out about his dad 👌

@BlockGeekDima's mentorship and friendship has helped me loads, especially with building @Ukraine_DAO into a long-lasting, sustainable project & surviving really shit days 💙💛

The whole story has been covered by the brilliant @itstaylorlocke for @FortuneMagazine - it's one of the most well-researched pieces on @Ukraine_DAO 👀

@BlockGeekDima @VitalikButerin