How to be efficient as a DAO: Ukraine DAO case study

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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Better late than never


⚡️Disclaimer: by no means am I claiming we are an examplary team

✨What I do claim: we do get much more shit done for Ukraine in a day, with no ops budget, than @ICRC, @UN and other assholes with huge budgets

📚Most of good tips on how to organise work are covered in this 🧵 by @MichaelShchur, diligently translated into English by our Translation & Writing Pod Lead @garbanzo0813

✅ TLDR: before criticising someone, make sure you've done your own fucking job


✅ Recommended to me by @BlockGeekDima

✅ The book is not about DAOs. The book is about how to organise any group of people to get anything done

No one has time for petty internal "politics" within @Ukraine_DAO team We are extremely picky about contibutors we onboard.

The general policy is to onboard people we have already established a friendship with and we are sure they are aligned with us

Here's a page describing our Mission and Values

The core principle @Ukraine_DAO operates under:

❗ We are NOT "neutral". We take sides when we see people and countries being wronged. There is no virtue in being neutral in the face of evil FunDAOmentals - Mission & Values

⁉️ I also don't understand why in DAOs (decentralised autonomous organisations), decentralising for the sake of it is seen as something that's always positive

Example: We got a lot of backlash at first for donating over $4m to @BackAndAlive

As you can see, someone has to take charge & to be accountable Distribution of decision making is cool, but during genocide we don't give a fuck about where someone in the US thinks we should donate to, in order for them to feel good about themselves

Basically, what you want to have:

✅ minimal "politics" (as in, within the team) ✅ minimal confusion (point for improvement for us) ✅ high morale & productivity (can't complain re @Ukraine_DAO) ✅ low contributor turnover (so far we only had 1 person leave 👇)

Most important point:

🌱 Conflict can be the engine of rejuvenation and creating better versions of ourselves.

❗️Conflict within the team is to be addressed heads on and NOT to be avoided at all costs

👏Constructive criticism is welcome

At the same time:

❓Don't like something?

✅ Together with bringing up the problem, make sure to bring a suggested solution.

🚨Don't expect me or anyone else to make things better just because you noticed something isn't good enough

❗️ If you can't collaborate in a Google Doc, there is no app/DAO tool that will save you 👇

What is a DAO and how to use it for activism - 🧵

⁉️ Why create a DAO when you can donate directly? - 🧵

#CryptodrftngDAO 👇

Key 🧵 about @Ukraine_DAO - ⬇️

This is an ongoing 🧵and I'll be adding stuff to it later

Other points: ✅ we don't have team meetings ✅ async-first communication unless otherwise agreed. That means people will reply to you when they can

✅ if someone isn't replying, that's not that ignoring you - you aren't the centre of the Universe

🚨If it's urgent, message again, or message someonr else, or just call

Hope this helps someone!

This is what all of the above applied in practice looks like - 🧵

Spoiler alert: it's a lot of fun 😹

This 🧵 is a must read 👇

#CryptodrftngDAO @Ukraine_DAO