Ukraine DAO team in conversation with Aspen Mastermind about Ukraine

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
Links to this thread: Twitter, PingThread, ThreadReader, Web Archive

This session was great! The recording will be published here: Video Archive – Aspen Mastermind

I'll tweet about it once it's up ☺️ Thank you so much to @royvella and everyone on Aspen Mastermind team for helping to organise today's discussion and thank you to everyone who joined us💙💛

From @Ukraine_DAO team, I was joined today by the amazing @CECILIESTURICH, @djw155 and @NanTyrus

Highlights the discussion:

@brokenpixelua asked "шо по русні"? in the Q&A section and I duly anwered that "русні пизда" 💞

@M0TRN whom I haven't spoken to before ...

✨... joined the discussion to tell everyone that after reading my Twitter he is now a "russophob" too and proud of it!

I don't think I've ever felt prouder in my life 😂 Thank you for speaking, @M0TRN !

@MuKappa wrote about russophobia the other day 👇