The truth about Azov

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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Azov recently discovered the work I’ve been doing to defend them in the info space.

❗️Info attacks on them have been so consistent that a lot of projects at this point are scared to alienate the part of the Western audience ignorant about them.

@supportAZOVcom #SaveAzov #ꑭ

✨I am proud to support Azov ✨

❗️As someone who grew up in Eastern Ukraine and used to speak russian a lot (which I now deeply regret, BTW), I’m not scared of Azov, lol.

I love them, Ukrainian 🏳️‍🌈 community loves them and so should you ❤️

#SaveAzov #ꑭ @supportAZOVcom

❗️Please don’t try to educate me about Azov with Russia Today links 😂

❗️Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information either 😉 #SaveAzov #ꑭ

✨For the folks in the back:

❗️persecution of russian speakers in 🇺🇦 does not exist

❗️speaking russian doesn't make you pro-russian

❗️Dnipro was a largely russian-speaking city before 🇷🇺 Nazis came

Good luck trying to tell russian speakers there that you liked russia 👋

#GenocideOfUkrainians @supportAZOVcom #ꑭ #SaveAzov