My translations of Emmanuel Macron statements

Author: Альона Шевченко
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"No one is preaching appeasement here".

French president @EmmanuelMacron : [translation into language that's more comprehensible to everyone] "- Jewish people and German Nazis should sit around the table during the Holocaust."

"The terms of the genocide and its duration will be established by both Jewish people and (!) the German Nazis" @EmmanuelMacron

"But we cannot exclude the German Nazis or ignore their right to commit genocide. We must take care of the Nazis' feelings and let them carry on with the Holocaust to promote democracy, inclusion and peace in Europe" @EmmanuelMacron

That's how you lot look to me with your fake pacifism and fake caution - actual clowns. None of you care about Europe's or the world's security. Offended by my remarks? Send your complaints to Mariupol's Post Office.

"At some point, the Ukrainian President will have to negotiate with #russia"

Translation: "At some point, Jewish people will have to negotiate with Hitler". @EmmanuelMacron

Je parle français et j'ai donc le malheur de comprendre ce que dit cet apologiste du génocide. Il s'inquiète d'humilier la russie.

@EmmanuelMacron est ferme sur la russie? 😂 Pourquoi n'arrête-t-il pas d'appeler poutine alors ?

Zelensky demande des armes, pas des appels.

De plus, il ne comprend pas qu'est-ce que ça veut dire - "humilier la russie".

Dans la vidéo, il explique que les Ukrainiens ne sont pas non plus humiliés - les Ukrainiens sont tués. Donc nous répondrons de la même manière. Зеленський жорстко відповів Макрону на заклики "не принижувати Росію"


"@EmmanuelMacron says it's up to Ukraine to decide on potential territorial concessions. If Ukraine wants to give up Languedoc-Roussillon to 🇷🇺 - it can!"

Reported by @Reuters, 🇷🇺 propaganda agency -…

@ZeroZhvk, you expected something useful from @EmmanuelMacron ?! 😂 He probably brought to Kyiv a white flag and a pair of running shoes to try and donate to Zelensky.


🧵 about @EmmanuelMacron worrying about not humiliating russia

#ArmUkraineNow #StandWithUkraine #GenocideOfUkrainians

Merci beaucoup, @EmmanuelMacron -…

#ArmUkraineNow #StandWithUkraine

Hey, @MadMax25678931 Do you mind putting all the links/info resources about this in a Google doc or similar (just make sure you toggle the access permission to allow everyone to view)? I'll then add that info here 🙏 #ArmUkraineNow

Translation: "Emmanuel Macron loses all credibility because of worrying too much about the feelings of a genocidal dictator who lives in a bunker"

“La Russie n’est qu’un immense malheur.”

"Si tu veux connaître quelqu'un, n'écoute pas ce qu'il dit mais regarde ce qu'il fait."

@nastasiaKlimash merci for les vatniks🫶

дякую пані @nichvydycia і @KhaterDiana, програла