Thread about @Snopes calling themselves ‘fact checkers’

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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So let me make sure I got this right:

  1. @snopes call themselves "fact-checkers" ?

  2. The author, Bethania Palma, is a "journalist"?

Is that supposed to be correct?…

"Putin’s comments were misleading on more than one front."

Yes. And you know what else was misleading on many fronts?

This whole fucking article, @snopes

Let's start from the basics, @snopes

❗️Also - it's Azov REGIMENT

#ꑭ #SaveAzov

Here's one of my threads about Azov, @snopes, check it out. "Fact checkers" my ass 🤦‍♀️

#ꑭ #SaveAzov

Here I'm collecting credible reporting & other info resources about @Polk_Azov:

#ꑭ #SaveAzov

Here's another 🧵 about Azov, @snopes

#ꑭ #SaveAzov

@snopes I would be grateful if that nonsense article was removed.

Community - please help me make sure this 🧵 is seen by @snopes by tagging them in replies.

This is who @snopes referenced btw. @ChristopherJM - fantasy writer, Narnia's native, who wrote many tales about "Ukrainian Nazis" and other imaginary characters 🦄

#ꑭ #SaveAzov

#ꑭ #SaveAzov

Comments on Azov from mum and dad:

#ꑭ #SaveAzov