Breaking news: ⚡️russians don't need for me to say anything in order to continue #GenocideOfUkrainians ⚡️

Author: Альона Шевченко
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UPD: I'm also an "idiot playing into russians' hands" because by "generalising" about russians who are cheering to #GenocideOfUkrainians, I become equal to them and I "support genocide too".

FYI russians don't need for me to say anything, they live in a parallel universe full of "Ukrainian Nazis", "separatists" and other unicorns I've personally never met in my life growing up in Eastern Ukraine:) It makes zero difference for them what we say. They still kill us.

That gentleman also said that there must be something wrong in my life for me to be like this. Yes, there is:

russians are dropping thermobaric bombs on the people I love. And russians back in russia are cheering to that. #GenocideOfUkrainians

The manipulation technique used on me today is called DARVO - look it up. Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.

"I am not like that" is exactly how russians escape responsibility and being held accountable for every #GenocideOfUkrainians.