A thread on russians and their friends

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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✨Починаю 🧵 #256374371 - "Тупа русня і їі друзі" #УкрТві

#russiaisaterroriststate #russiaNGMI #ArmUkraineNow twitter.com/na_intel/statu…

@GicAriana I ask everyone the same question every day 🥲



"Sorry we made a mistake - your sun is actually alive"



сс: @air0ee twitter.com/air0ee/status/…

About 🇧🇾 preparing: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

🪄 russian soldier vs door

kherson, ukraine, 2022, colorized

❓ Does anyone have a full list of russian jets shot down by russians?

🛩 Because it's not the first time but I wasn't tracking🥲

📆 31 March - news.yahoo.com: Russian soldiers accidentally shot down their own plane and are struggling with low morale, UK spy chief claims

✨ Source: v1.ru/text/gorod/202…

P.S. if you thought my previous threads were long, wait until I have a proper go at this one

✨I think Росгрудь should be supported by the Pussyverse project - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

@Ukraine_DAO commentary: twitter.com/ukraine_dao/st…

❗️Ukraine_DAO is an inclusive community that cares about everyone

📝 That's why we have a special page for the occupants - ukraine-dao.notion.site: For occupants: How to surrender the right way? #russiaisaterroriststate

Tip of the day:

❗️Do not ever call russians "heroes" in the presence of a Ukrainian person

❗️Being "anti-war" should not be a reason to put a russian person on a pedestal and worship them.

In fact, they usually don't mean it: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

You speak my language, @MadMax25678931

Screenshot from 25 Feb '22. «The second army of the world» has since triumphantly "defeated" many kindergartens and apartment buildings.

Nothing else свинособаки have managed to achieve 🐽

🇷🇺vs Door: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

⚡️Daily reminder: if you don't hate russians, you don't know them well enough. #russorealism


this isn't just putin

russians are complicit in #genocideofUkrainians

both as individuals and collectively

who's going to tell him?


#UKDMemes #УкрТві #Lada

We are so lucky they're so fucking stupid 💞

"- Khokhlushka (derogatory term for Ukrainian female) you're fucking beautiful 🔥🔥🔥 Let's meet up

-Of course Where?


"In Magnitogorsk, the only evening school was closed.

Now adults can only get a full secondary education in prison."



ruSSians are being ruSSians again.

Here's one of the 5273858393 reasons why they should not be welcome in the EU.

I've just found out from @IlvesToomas that the video below is not parody - twitter.com/ilvestoomas/st…

I wish ruSSians gave the same energy to building toilets in their own country before considering world domination 🚽


russian culture

this 🧵 will go on forever

#russiaisaterrorisstate #russianculture

What's that I see? "Good russians" strike again? #russiaisaterroriststate

Visa ban for all russians

Katsap Karma 🤣 for context see tweet 30/ of this beautiful 🧵 about good russians 💞


This thread is going to be endless twitter.com/lilygrutcher/s…

🪄#Belarus #russiaisaterroriststate #UKDMemes

🚨One of the reasons why it’s so hard to communicate to the world what russians are like, is because they are more pathetic than any satire about them could be.


Of course they are refusing, @SlavaMalamud. The real battle is only about to start - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

Here’s the actual battle of titans that’s about to happen there:

Apologies, here it is, @SlavaMalamud

Thank you @garbanzo0813 for making this beautiful conversation available for EN-speaking audience

@Ukraine_DAO #ArmUkraineNow #GenocideOfUkrainians #russiaisaterroriststate

Thank you @imax9000 for finding this gem

@garbanzo0813 we’ll need subtitles for this 👇

“I’m really worried for our agent Trump”


“Prayer for being granted a visa”

(to be used when prayers to buy a Lada haven’t been heard)

#visaban #visabanforrussians #banrussiantourists #russiaisaterroriststate cc: @IlvesToomas

What pregnant ruscists see on ultrasound scans by @gusev_art


That was quick as usual (tweet 41/)

🇷🇺 propagandist Solovyov worrying about “their agent Trump”

📝 Subtitles by @Ukraine_DAO Translation & Writing Pod Lead @garbanzo0813

TW: russians

#russiaisaterroriststate #genocideofukrainians #SaveAzov #ArmUkraineNow

In today's episode of "тупа русня - 🧵"

here a person from Moscow is unhappy with @Ukraine_DAO "focusing" on tourist visa instead of "support of 🇺🇦" & that "🇺🇦 gov intervening" sucks (we're 💯 independent despite @mintsyfra support)

He probably thinks he's anti-war🤣

@Vika_dxdy ваші твіти мені нагадали про цей скріншот який я не пам'ятаю де взяла. Вони реально не розуміють што нє так.

"- we completely stopped hiring russian citizens

@Uliana_IN thank you for contributing to this endless 🧵

Day 178 of the so called "sPeCiAl miLiTaRy oPeraTiOn" - r*ssia is getting Ukrained 😍

They wanted tanks on Khreshchatyk - here they are 🪄

I'm not sure what's happening in today's episode of "тупа русня" but will leave it here 🪄

Нєсусвєтний кашмар! #тупарусня

#тупарусня Tanks on the Maidan

Beautiful addition to my "тупа русня і її друзі" 🧵

"дажє нє питайтєсь справациравать, нє получітся"

"ви нічєм нє лучше"


🧵 “тупа русня», рубрика «допиздівся» twitter.com/uncleLem/statu…

@brightdown, небольшая поправка:

россия - это конченый Бардакистан, который совсем скоро сдохнет.

Перед тем, как открывать рот на Меланию, достаньте лично хуи из вашего рта - хотя подсчитать их, возможно, будет сложно.

«Звучит так себе» - это про весь ваш профиль.

Мене заблокували, тому наступні поправки вже можна не на свинособачій:

✨русня - не люди.

✨Винуваті вони абсолютно ВСІ.

✨Хоронить буде сама, і нехай свинособаки прибирають за собою реально "мєрзкоє гавно" (⚰️), бо кидають і те, шо ще можна в принципі й не хоронить 🐷

Your regular #тупарусня#розповівчительке

#тупарусня 🤢🤢🤢

Telegram channel notifying russians in Saint Petersburg where draft notices are given out

#розповівчительке гдє раздают повєсткі 👀

Reference to 57/ 😹


" - You are Nazis" 🤣🤣🤣

Политикой не интересуюсь.

"Кірпічік за кірпічіком ми пайдьом нахуй."

Just saw that @nadyariot from @pussyrrriot is already whining about how it's wrong to "throw all russians in the trash"

Bodies are still being exhumated in #Izyum, and Nadya is talking about "rEsToRiNg tRuSt" 🤢

"I have more exes than there are people at this protest" 🤣🤣🤣

взвила #тупарусня twitter.com/doge_techno5/s…

До могілізації повна готовність 👌


People with 🇷🇺 passports (issued in the occupied Crimea) are not allowed in Georgia

(It's "Putin's fault") #тупарусня

Ніколи такого не було і от знову


неможливо #тупарусня

#тупарусня @max_katz

You couldn't make it up:

A story about Putin fucking off Dresden with a ... WASHING MACHINE 🤣🚽

JFC, they are really all the same.


#тупарусня early stages

#тупарусня знов нуждаєтся в паддєржкє

@N0K1V чого ви насміхаєтесь?? А раптом там взагалі бариста налив кокосове молоко замість мигдального?! 💔💔💔💔💔💔

✨russian air defense system Pancer S fires a missile into its own residential building.

✨afterwards firemen come and run over an old lady.


#тупарусня baby military uniform 🧸

“Дєті - не для політікі!

Дєті - для войни!”

💬 cybersoroka: “Kids military form was found on liberated Kherson territories.. 🫠”


❗️russian opposition is an oxymoron


🔗 newsvo.ru: В Ленинградской области на учебных стрельбах погиб мобилизованный из Белозерского района | newsvo.ru — новости Вологодской области

Pavel Filatiev saga continues #тупарусня

aawwww what a “sUpErPoWeR” 🥰 #тупарусня


@tvrain saving lives of Ukrainians” 🤣🤣🤣

російський фемінізм - такий самий оксюморон як і російська опозиція 🦄🛸 #тупарусня

Beautiful coffin, @JayinKyiv 💞

And a great addition to this tweet - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…



"A new Kremlin propaganda video encourages middle-aged 🇷🇺 men to join the genocidal invasion of Ukraine in order to buy their daughters new iPhones" 🤢

I want to emphasise that this is absolutely normal in their "culture".

#тупарусня via @atLakeNATO

#тупарусня on ice ❄️⛸


#тупарусня Саратов едішн

#тупарусня - Удівітєльний брєд 🧐


"ти вообщє знаєшь с кєм разговаріваєш", @atLakeNATO?? 🥲

#тупарусня @meowasfuckk спасібо за ваше нєравнодушиє 💞✨

#тупарусня - horse stretcher

#тупарусня - розпові вчительке про UK governmen

Reference to entry 57/ - 🔗 twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…


Ще сніжинки не довирізали (🔗 twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…) , вже знову карточки

cc: @podviaznikov


"Воздєржітєсь от уніженія рускіх" - Іл'я Яшин

100/ @bloombeary ви нє моглі би помочь пєрєдать Іл'є мою запіску?🕊

101/ #тупарусня

@pyshni, ето хєйтспіч))

102/ #тупарусня продовжує нестримні протести проти війни.


103/ standard #тупарусня

104/ #тупарусня "Як вирахувати русню: демонстрація українців = беспорядок і переполох. Ну точно ж, вони так у себе у болоті тихо відсиджуються"

"How to spot русня: demonstrate that Ukrainians = disorder & chaos. Of course, they sit quietly in their swamp."

via @NatalyaTessa

105/ #тупарусня трансукраїнці 🤌

106/ #тупарусня 💭 @fermerzpolissia

"First of all, Elon why the fuck is this in my feed? Second, ELVES? Do they seriously call us ELVES?"

107/ #тупарусня

108/ #тупарусня яка тут вже була, але нехай буде ще раз

108/ #тупарусня

дякую @war666beast 🤝