About russian literature, culture and what they have to do with the genocide of Ukrainians

Author: Альона Шевченко
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Sorry but no, the 🇷🇺 literature is really not essential in understanding man. The nature of the "mysterious 🇷🇺 soul" can be seen in #Mariupol these days💔

🇺🇦 Instead I invite everyone to register for this Ukrainian Culture & Literature course: twitter.com/Ukr_Institute/…

Pushkin doesn't need putin to breed monsters, btw. His "Poltava" and multiple other "masterpieces" glorify 🇷🇺 imperialism. ⚡ Ukraine has its own unique culture and has produced plenty of literature for us to read and promote ⚡ We should focus on that.

I've read the vast majority of what's considered "classical russian literature". I read "Crime & Punishment" when I was 13.

I will never read a russian book again. Not reading imperialist russian literature is the least everyone can and should do.

Over 350 of Ukraine’s cultural sites have already been destroyed or damaged by the genocidal russian invasion. If it's Pushkin that you are worrying about right now - that's sad.

If you want to discover 🇺🇦 culture instead - welcome to @Ukraine_DAO www.notion.so: Ukrainian Culture - Ukraine DAO

Here's what "russian culture" looks like - erasing everything Ukranian out of existence the moment they have a chance to. And we should read Pushkin? LOL.

#StandWithUkraine 🇺🇦

Here is another example of "russian culture". We were doing great without it and really can't wait for our Armed Forces to help it get the hell out of Ukraine ASAP. It's ugly.


What strikes at the depth of human (not "russian") soul:

💔 bombed maternity hospital in Mariupol 💔 children raped by ruscists to death 💔 mass graves with thousands of civilians.

What doesn't:

❌ Dostoevsky.

"Crime and Punishment" is literally about a young loser who hasn't achieved anything in life killing an old woman and stealing her purse. Reminds you of anything?

Sorry to break it to you, but Ukranian literature has much cooler stuff to read 🤯 I know, shocking stuff!

Here I am being expected to care about the aggressor's feelings while russia is destroying pretty much everything and everyone who is dear to me in life.

Normalisation of russian imperialism and exceptionalism is a core element of "russian culture" 👌

I am saying that as a russian (as well as 🇺🇦) speaking Ukrainian from 🇺🇦 Ukraine, I am SICKENED that the same nation that carried out the Holodomor didn't even wait a 100 years before it came back to do the same thing to us.

To make things even more disgusting, they used the word "genocide" and came up with a fake narrative that russian speakers were being persecuted in Eastern 🇺🇦 which is absolute nonsense and I've been saying this for 8 years: pic.twitter.com/tRTFPD6Inl

I am also saying that russians bleating about being discriminated against while Ukrainians are going through actual unspeakable violence is unacceptable, tone deaf and vile. There is no "russophobia". There is "being held accountable for the first time".

Bots, trolls and other morons will be immediately blocked. I'm not bending to anyone's gaslighting and guilt tripping.

Lots of Ukrainian girls can't tell their stories now because they are not with us anymore - because of russians.

A Ukrainian woman should not be silenced.


Go back to 4/ please. russia has physically cancelled out of existence 350 Ukrainian cultural sites in 3(!) months. Wanna give that equal airtime? #CancelrussianCulture

Is this what you are busy reading at the moment?

@kasia_ia дякую 💙💛

@klemmensenpia1 🤣🤣🤣

Ukrainian people are being tortured, raped and killed, including children and the elderly and that's what's your tragedy? When you are ready to see the real tragedies, take a look here: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

#russianWarCrimes #GenocideOfUkrainians

Of course we are not the best fit. For this debate, I'd need an opponent educated on the subject and with higher emotional intelligence. But they'd never argue with me.

So @primusmagestri, can we conclude that all these russian writers were ... russophobic?!

Important to not let #GenocideOfUkrainians evoke primitive anger.

✨ Educate yourself - and you will hate russia even more: www.bisa.ac.uk: Empire, exceptionalism, and the rhyming of history

@radioevrazia is one of my friends from russia. He is also a "russophob", you know, like all decent people 💙💛 @radioevrazia, are you upset with me? 😂


For those who are in the bunker (😉) - #GenocideOfUkrainians is happening right now.

russians: 1) know about it. 2) Most of them are cheering to it.

actions they do to stop it: distracting themselves in between killing civilians to steal a washing machine or a doghouse.

However, important to know that not all russians are busy killing Ukrainian civilians. In this call intercepted by @ServiceSsu a very emphatic russia woman is telling her partner to rape Ukrainian women, just not tell her about it. “I allow it, just use protection”.

Here is another example of #NotAllRussians which is a narrative used by russians every time they want to avoid being held accountable for #GenocideOfUkrainians. They still haven't paid for the last one, already happy about the new one.

Why didn't they? Because they say it never happened. Millions of Ukrainians died that time.

No feeling of guilt and no self-reflection whatsoever. Don't politise.

Don't "generalise".

Don't be a "russophobe".

It didn't happen.

Result? #GenocideOfUkrainians is happening again. You know why? Because they know they always get away with it. Nothing is going to happen because they can just start bleating afterwards they had nothing to do with it. That they're the victim. And then that it didn't happen.

For over 8 (!) years I was saying that this was going to happen. You think I was heard / listened to? Taken seriously? No. It's too hard to accept that a Ukrainian woman can be better educated on this and better placed to comment. I have "bias of the person being oppressed".

I can say to you clearly. russians are killing Ukrainians as a nation together. They should be held accountable for it. There may even be (theoretically) some collective guilt for not taking action to prevent or stop #GenocideOfUkrainians. The guilt isn't there. It should be.

Deliberate neglect is standing by while something awful happens and doing little or nothing to stop it. But they're not just not stopping the genocide. They're happy about it. They don't understand why we don't love them. They "can't do anything wrong". @CalinIonescu5

And as that is happening, what you call a "tragedy" is that I don't want to read Dostoevsky and to forget their occupant language. People aren't very busy calling them out but I am policed online every day for what I say about them. I'm the "extremist" here. @CalinIonescu5

Every other day I'm shouted at publicly, told that I have a horrible attitude, and that I should be ashamed of the radical things I say. My radical "russophobia" means holding russians accountable to the same standard as others would be. On an individual level. Wild idea 🤯

Whilst I have your attention - Azov are actual legends that everyone in the free world should be grateful to.

Almost everything written about them in the Western mass media is blatant lies and those "journalists" should also be held accountable for the lies they wrote 🤯

Also, another legend is going to the frontline tomorrow - donate to @brokenpixelua and he'll deal with the orcs, come back and film us new puppy videos. Wholesome stuff 🌱

Anyway, back to victimblaming - here's what it looks like:

Why is their russophobia not a turn off for you?


Volodymyr Yermolenko about the "russian culture"

@Poll_in 👏👏👏

Thank you @lapatina_ for a new entry to my collection about #russianculture

Sorry for upsetting fans of Tolstoy singing praise to russian troops - neglecting a russian man who's been dead for over 110+ years is of course more important than #GenocideOfUkrainians happening as we speak. We'll make sure these books are "burned" particularly thoroughly twitter.com/kvakes/status/…

If in your view, russian literature = whole world, I'm sorry to hear you've not been educated better. twitter.com/kvakes/status/…

No I won't "have to" cancel everything. The people opressed by the English & Dutch etc can cancel whoever they want - it's not for me to lecture them. My people are suffering from genocide at the hands by russians - again. And I should be worrying about Tolstoy? Why? twitter.com/kvakes/status/…

The screenshot below is the transcript of a video I translated a couple days ago for another project: youtu.be: Росія вдарила по школі на Салтівці: загинула жінка, чоловік поранений

This is from Kharkiv, in the past - the most pro-russian city in 🇺🇦. Maybe these people know more than those who are not from Ukraine?

@kvakes, the tweet you replied to is the beginning of a 🧵 where I explain why russian literature/culture and genocide are related. I'll be happy to continue the conversation once you've taken in my perspective. twitter.com/kvakes/status/…

Yes. And I do believe very strongly that their opinions carry more weight and should be listened to more than someone's who's never known senseless violence like this. russians turned the most russian-speaking city into ruin - just because it was in Ukraine.

23:00 is where it gets real ewwww I didn't realise @yermolenko_v had that podcast btw, he's awesome 💙💛 thank you for sharing, @Marvelogue1

#russianculture in #Melitopol, Ukraine

#ArmUkraineNow #ArmUkraine #StandWithUkraine

@yermolenko_v for @ForeignPolicy: foreignpolicy.com: From Pushkin to Putin: Russian Literature’s Imperial Ideology

#russianculture #russianliterature #ArmUkraineNow #ArmUkraine #StandWithUkraine

@maksymeristavi look at this educational literature for russian kids 🤣 Thank you @MadMax25678931 for sharing this

russian literature is imperialist chauvinist trash.

Some "russian" literature that's not trash was written by the authors that russians appropriated (read: stole) from other cultures.

The interview below was translated from barbaric into English by @Ukraine_DAO on request of @BackAndAlive

✨More about our work with @BackAndAlive - twitter.com/ukraine_dao/st…


✨ ruSSians in their own words✨

📚Barbaric-to-English translation by @MadMax25678931

⚡️Hetman Skoropadskyy on "good russians" 🦄

❗️Spoiler alert: they haven't changed

✨ Translation of the original 🧵 by @DarkaHirna by @garbanzo0813 of @Ukraine_DAO

Empire is parochial.

❗️russian "culture" is garbage and that garbage is dangerous: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

typical "good russian", ladies and gentlemen

why is @TheAtlantic platforming someone like that is beyond me.

#GenocideOfUkrainians #russiaisaterroriststate

"russian literature and philosophy actually caused this war" - @Frialum

Can someone name me a character with less self-awareness and empathy than:

⚡️"good russians" who feel sorry for themselves and wait for Ukrainians to speak up for Pushkin while we have russian bombs dropped on our heads ⚡️

I'll wait 👋 twitter.com/castletongreen…

✨Obvious Things That Everyone Should Know By Now But To Germans €20 Is Still €20 And That's What Matters✨

cc: @pierre_dalai #russianculture

cc: @pierre_dalai #russianculture

cc: @pierre_dalai #russianculture

#russianculture, ladies and gentlemen

#SaveAzov #russianNazis

cc: @pierre_dalai #russianculture

"Mysterious russian soul" - 🧵 by @brokenpixelua

Definition of "russian" #russianculture #russiaisaterroriststate