Why the Ukrainians have the right to hate the russians

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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"Good russians" (🦄) outraged by their rights being "violated" during #GenocideOfUkrainians is a GREAT illustration of the amount of fucks they really give - 0️⃣

Their "empathy" ends the moment accountability begins.

✨ By the way, expecting a Ukrainian person to feel sorry for russians' travel rights is an actual pisstake.


"There may be some good people in ISIS.

Let's not humiliate ISIS.

ISIS is a superpower.

Hatred for ISIS is not the way."

Have people gone mad?

❗️Deliberate neglect is standing by while something awful happens and doing little or nothing to stop it.

❗️War is a collective exercise by a nation state.

❗️All russians are responsible.

❗️You don't just get to have rights.

❗️There are also responsibilities 🤯

Why Ukrainians have the right to hate - I put together this 🧵 for @NikaMelkozerova

You can support my efforts to teach the world about russians by buying a B smoothie 🍸🔥

If you know what I mean 😉