From Igor Sushko

Author: Igor Sushko
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🧵🚨I call on all media outlets globally - local, regional, national, to immediately drop ALL syndicated content from @Reuters - it is an active propaganda arm of the Kremlin. Please do not be complicit. Stop funding @Reuters through syndication license fees. Share & Tag media.

"Through its news agency distribution network, @Reuters reaches over 2,000 publishers and 600 broadcasters each day, who in turn distribute our content to billions of people around the world." Content Distribution Services | Reuters News Agency

This is not a singular instance. You will find thousands of @Reuters articles like this credited to their various journalists over years. Read by billions around the world.…

@Reuters also has demonstrated a pattern of "silent edits." They first blast verbatim Kremlin propaganda to syndication partners, then they edit their own articles to dilute it a little bit. Those edits often aren't even picked up by media partners. Very strategic & conniving.

More background here. Again, you will find THOUSANDS of @Reuters articles that are verbatim Kremlin propaganda. Read by billions around the world, as coming from a "reputable Western media entity."…

Here's a classic one. Since the start of the invasion, @Reuters has gone a step further to actively disinform the West about the atrocities in Ukraine.…

Examples are everywhere. You just have to look.…

@Reuters stopped syndicating TASS (Cyrillic-letter abbreviation for Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union) since this article came out. That's irrelevant because @Reuters is much more effective at spreading Kremlin propaganda as a Western entity. Reuters staff raise alarms over partnership with Russian-owned wire service

Also, need to apply public pressure on the "Big 3" client groups that pay @thomsonreuters that make up the bulk of billions in revenue to stop their service subscriptions immediately.

We are supporting Putin's fascist regime and genocide of Ukrainians by funding @Reuters. Reuters had an impeccable reputation since 1851, until some years ago when it all changed. Investigative journalists who've covered this know all this & more. This isn't some bombshell

WHAT YOU CAN DO: As individuals - we can cancel our $35/month @Reuters subscriptions and one suggestion would be to use that subscription money to support our local news organizations that employ or are trying to employ investigative journalists. ✊

@Reuters March 30th: Putin is the real hero - "Drone video captured exclusively by Reuters on March 24 shows besieged Mariupol residents in a long queue for humanitarian aid being distributed by Russia at a former shopping center." Reuters delivers exclusive drone footage showing devastation in Mariupol - Reuters News Agency

“Without a drone and its ability to show the thousands of residents lining up for Russian aid, the images wouldn’t have demonstrated the real scale of the scene, so it’s another really important dimension to our reporting,” @ellybiles Reuters delivers exclusive drone footage showing devastation in Mariupol - Reuters News Agency

YOU DO UNDERSTAND THAT RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT MADE SURE THE "EXCLUSIVE" @Reuters DRONE CAPTURED THIS PROPAGANDA AND SPREAD THIS STORY IN THE WEST, RIGHT? Reuters delivers exclusive drone footage showing devastation in Mariupol - Reuters News Agency

More likely scenario though - this was a Russian government propaganda drone. Kremlin handed this messed up video as an "exclusive" to @Reuters with a wink and a smile. Doubtful @Reuters was anywhere near Mariupol. Reuters delivers exclusive drone footage showing devastation in Mariupol - Reuters News Agency

@Reuters claims the party responsible for shelling and destroying 95%+ of buildings in Mariupol is "Russian-Ukrainian conflict."

Direct Quote: "... as civilians were trying to leave the city heavy damaged by shelling during Russian-Ukrainian conflict." Reuters delivers exclusive drone footage showing devastation in Mariupol - Reuters News Agency

Who here knew @Reuters parent company also provides "Anti-Money Laundering" services to corporate clients worldwide?…

Remember this completely fake "Exclusive" headline that shocked Americans? @Reuters has been doing the Kremlin's bidding in destabilizing American society. Kremlin actively facilitated the Jan 6th terrorist attack on the Capitol. @Reuters gave Putin cover. Exclusive: FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated - sources