Conversation in Walter Report about Reuters

Author: Альона Шевченко
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A few people have asked me what happened today, so I'd like to explain. There was a conversation happening in @walter_report Twitter Spaces about @Reuters.

Both me and @gujingc started our comments from saying that we are aware that not all @Reuters journalists are corrupt.

However, @Reuters really needs to stop spreading russian propaganda, otherwise their license should be revoked by @Ofcom and they shouldn't be broadcasting because their spread of lies has very serious consequences in Ukraine right now. We are being killed because of it.

One of the gentlemen in the spaces got hella triggered and started shouting at me. I was told that my attitude stinks, that it shouldn't matter that I'm from Ukraine and all sorts of other inappropriate, tonedeaf things were said.

After he finished, I said that it's completely unacceptable to not be able to control yourself like that in the presence of Ukrainian people who are going through a genocide and that if I manage to maintain composure then he should be able too.

Grateful for everyone's messages, have to go on a call so will reply later. Just for the record - it does matter that I am Ukrainian. Ukrainians should not be shouted at.

@NovelSci wrote a great 🧵 on how to treat angry, emotional Ukrainians:

You can familiarise yourself with some examples of @Reuters spreading russian propaganda in this 🧵. Sending love to everyone, have a great evening 💙💛

I've been asked to name the gentleman - it was @OSINT88. I said it in Twitter Spaces but probably worth reiterating - your hurt feelings are not comparable to the suffering of Ukrainian people. Get a grip.

@OSINT88, batshit conspiracy theories are going strong these days, not gonna lie.…

@OSINT88 FYI The main source spreading "batshit conspiracy theories" about @Reuters - @Reuters itself:

Attaching part of a 🧵