A Pussyriot case study and why the #visaban needs to be implemented

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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❓What if tourist visa ban affects 🇷🇺 asylum seekers?

This is a great point to address.

Here’s what a “vulnerable group”, known as “anti-war, feminists, pro-LGBT” blabla @pussyrrriot did to me, years after getting protection from the West.

Did Putin forced them to do this?

❗️Here’s what @nadyariot of @pussyrrriot worries about during #GenocideOfUkrainians, look at the screenshot 👇

She is glorified (!) for saying she is “against war” even those all of her behaviour goes to say the opposite.


❗️TLDR of the story: she went after me, after 200 interviews taking credit for my work.

She thought she could do this - because she is russian (lol)

She is allowed anything. No one ever pushed back on her BS. I was advised by everyone to continue putting up with abuse.

Continue to feel sorry for russians, dear Western audience.

They’ll come to your country to kill everyone they can, steal your work as you’re fighting against genocide, turn around, call you a liar and say that it was a Pussyverse ad.

#SpecialFeministOperation 🎉

BTW, I’m still waiting for public apologies from @nadyariot of @pussyrrriot who must’ve been shocked to find out that a Ukrainian woman is not going to bow down to FSB-itches 🤯😱

To summarise:

Blanket visa ban for all russians is the absolute minimum every country should impose.

For all russians. Because all russians are responsible for #GenocideOfUkrainians


Former russians I know support #visabanforrussians


russians have no problem "hating Putin" and hating Ukrainians at the same time. They should live in russia.
