Pussyriot misinformation and appropriation

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
Links to this thread: Twitter, PingThread, ThreadReader, Web Archive

Wow. I've been purposefully avoiding talking about @pussyrrriot publicly but I guess I haven't been left with a choice (no pun intended, @TheChoiceDAO)

In this 🧵 I'll address why they have a problem with me.

Before I start:

✨ Ukraine DAO works with the support of the Ukrainian government, namely @mintsyfra and @abornyakov.

✨ We have had zero complaints from the Ukrainian government about how we manage our funds.

business.diia.gov.ua: Verified Ukraine Donations List

This is a chat from which Ukraine DAO started. I only added @DefiHope and @zencephalon there at first and didn't think much of it.

By that time, I'd spent weeks trying to get through the mental breakdown that was caused by me trying to tell people what was about to happen.

A bit more on mental health of Ukrainians, whilst I'm at it - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

This is what I said to @zencephalon 4 days before the full scale invasion started. Sharing with his permission.

I kept telling people that something awful was about to happen and pretty much everyone was laughing at me, except for other Ukrainians and @FreeRossDAO team.

@FreeRossDAO team was also kind enough to accomidate me publishing the only open letter I ever wrote - it was about the imminent war in Ukraine.

@RJPinnell @rizzn @Schlomo @FreeJeremyNet & others are forever family - helped me through the darkest days

www.freerossdao.org: Open Letter on the War in Ukraine from Alona, FRD Community Lead. Published 21 Feb 2022 | FreeRossDAO 🕊

My messages with @zencephalon from 22 Feb 2022, 2 days before the invasion. This is what was going through my mind.

My insta story from 20 Feb 2022:

One of the reasons @pussyrrriot decided to go after me is the same reason russia thought it was a good idea to invade Ukraine: ✨russians are ignorant about Ukrainians ✨

Pussy Riot ladies had no idea who I am and what I've been doing when they blasted off that silly tweet 😂

This meme was mainly intended for dudes, but applies to silly dudettes and non-binary people too.

In the embedded tweet - a bit more on my attempts to warn people about the war.

Now we're going back to @Ukraine_DAO, fasten your seatbelts!

On the 24th in the middle of the night I told @DefiHope and @zencephalon what was happening. I was in too much of a shock to think about DAOs and went to the protest at 10 Downing st.

The story of Ukraine DAO by @itstaylorlocke for @FortuneMagazine: finance.yahoo.com: Ethereum’s Russian-born cofounder has been quietly supporting a DAO that raised $8 million in crypto for Ukraine. His dad is even more involved.

The "scandalous" information about me being paid, I've actually been telling journalists about it. whenever an opportunity presented itself.

@pussyrrriot would know this if they read one of my interviews, and were not so obsessed with their own ones.


That's something that a 🇷🇺 "feminist" collective can't tolerate 🤬

Tough pill to swallow!

Very pro-🇺🇦:) Very feminist:)) twitter.com/pussyrrriot/st…

So on the night of the 24th, @DefiHope and @zencephalon started pulling their friends into the group chat.

Unfortunately, one of them was Nadya Tolokonnikova of @pussyrrriot.

💡Fun fact: the technique Nadya used today is called DARVO, look it up.

📖 DARVO - Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender.

🧠 Very effective thing that russians do very often, it uses cognitive bias - the first thing you hear is remembered and believed in disproportionately.

What was a disaster of a lifetime to me, Nadya saw as a PR-opportunity. If you google "Ukraine DAO Pussy Riot", you will see how many interviews she gave on our behalf. I dare you to find a single article where she mentions my involvement - or that of any other 🇺🇦 person.

Now, THIS is actually a fucking pisstake.

To turn #GenocideOfUkrainians into a "Pussyverse" ad - you have to be messed up on another level.

You didn't start @Ukraine_DAO with a number of friends, Nadya.

I started it on 21 Feb with my friends.

A 🇺🇦 person, not r*ssian.

My name was removed from press releases even after I repeatedly added it there myself and @pussyrrriot claimed to all the journalists that they started this DAO - no mention of Ukrainian people or their efforts. What-so-ever 🙃 Instead, they did this: pic.twitter.com/vvCXMlTj9S

The reason why all of this is very important to talk about is not due to some egoistic pettiness:

✨There is a pattern in 🇺🇦 history whereby russians, even the ones who claim to be in opposition, take credit for the work/art of Ukrainians.

✨ It's part of their culture.

After the distribution of funds in the early March, Nadya leaves the project (info on who now manages funds - here: ukraine-dao.notion.site: Multisig & Treasury - UkraineDAO.eth )

⚡️Weeks later, with no prior notice, she storms into the UKD chat that has about 150 people, infuriatied by this tweet about @ICRC

🧵 about the Red Cross, @ICRC in particular - here.

📖 TLDR - they're legitimizing rssia and assist rssia with forceful deportation of Ukrainians.

❗️There are great people working for the Red Cross and they can address their concerns with their management if they wish.

Storming into the chat Nadya didn't into account 2 things:

1️⃣ how much work I was doing non-stop while she was giving interviews

2️⃣ I do not give a fuck how famous someone is so this diva behaviour doesn't work with me😂

After being told by other @Ukraine_DAO contributors to go in the direction of the russian warship, Nadya disappeared. I recently reached out to her friend to ask Nadya to stop presenting herself as a co-founder & using our cause for hype - radio silence. Reminds me of this:

This tweet was addressed to another donkey, but applies to @pussyrrriot too.

🤷‍♀️ I do not know how much money Pussy Riot made from all the concerts where they're waving the 🇺🇦 flag.

🙃 Equally, I don't deserve for anyone to be mad at me for being able to cover my rent.

I haven't had a single day off for 122 days. I stay up for days and every living second is spent on defence of Ukraine.

Haven't had the time to write up the 🧵 about life with a disability if we disregard what's happening in 🇺🇦 but I can give you a summary - it's difficult .

I found 🇺🇦 team for the Starling Lab - a Stanford-backed project that uses blockchain to record evidence of #russianWarCrimes 📨Data collected by our 🇺🇦 team in #Kharkiv has been submitted to @IntlCrimCourt 💙I also made sure @o_karpovych and @sa_sharm were adequately paid.

All the work that I've done in collaboration with other projects - @BackAndAlive, @Unchainfund, @Meta_History_UA (I'm their ambassador), @JournoDao, @HolyWaterUA, @vellumla, @OwnYourDataNow, @PowerInsideLab etc - has been completely free of charge.

That 5k/month from @Ukraine_DAO allows me to maintain my integrity and not be affected by the opinion of any "sponsor". To be fully free to say what I want.

Fortunately, most people online are much kinder to me than the "feminist, 🇷🇺 opposition" collective:

BTW, the timing of this "exposé" from @pussyrrriot may have something to do with what I said yesterday in @TheChoiceDAO group chat.

I know, it's very sad when russians aren't allowed to hype themselves using the cause they don't really care about.

Last but not least:


✨ Going after a Ukrainian woman during #GenocideOfUkrainians is not feminism

✨ Everything rssian is going in the direction of the rssian warship (in r*ssian - нахуй), and @pussyrrriot is going there too 💝

Thanks for reading!

Correct spelling is important ✨


Another tweet aging like fine wine:

Incomplete list of my academic qualifications + bio.


linktr.ee: Alona Shevchenko | Twitter, Instagram | Linktree

More background info on me:

cryptodrftng.substack.com: Day 31 - cryptodrftng.

No, @KevinDuska

The situation is very simple:

✅ russians (Pussy Riot) have the right to use the war in Ukraine for hype.

✅ A Ukrainian person should be sad, miserable and live on the street, if live at all.

Typical russian attitude, I laughed when I saw their tweet:)


www.theguardian.com: Cutting works by Russian artists is ‘stupid’, says Pussy Riot member

This is what @pussyrrriot are worrying about while Ukrainians are being raped, tortured and killed.

Interesting. Thank you to @MuKappa for showing me this.


This @pussyrrriot incident I also had no idea about. Fascinating story.

www.rferl.org: Three Pussy Riot Members Detained In Crimea

"Group claims its members were detained by Russian security agency"

Translation: "@pussyrrriot encountered their colleagues in the place where they shouldn't have been in the first place if they were actually supportive of Ukraine."

www.nme.com: Pussy Riot members found after "disappearing" in Crimea

🎀 All of this ties in beautifully with this article we published yesterday - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

✨Huge thank you to @pussyrrriot for helping us to amplify the message, finally they did something helpful ✨

@MuKappa is learning to make memes ❤️🖤


Daily reminder:

✨ruSSian "opposition" is an oxymoron ✨ twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

@pussyrrriot twitter.com/unnamedleftist…

Got this @decrypt headline in my inbox this morning - I receive alerts when @Ukraine_DAO is mentioned in the media. The article features a photo of Nadya from @pussyrrriot at a peace march in support of Ukraine - the country she doesn't care about.

I've been getting loads of abuse online. It's important to publicise this - what happens to me is basically Ukraine on a mini-scale.

BTW, here's what Nadya of @pussyrrriot was concerned about in March, during genocide - 🇷🇺 world domination. This is sickening, not "cute".

Lots of people watched what Nadya @pussyrrriot did and didn't say anything despite knowing very well how wrong she was. ❓What happens as a result?

🇷🇺 & russians think they can get away with more, and they do - because they can.

🤷‍♀️ Because Ukrainians don't matter as much.

I'd appreciate if I wasn't told to ignore this - I've ignored for 4 months and tried to address privately many times.

✨russians need to learn that there are actual consequences for their actions ✨

Is that too much to ask from @pussyrrriot ?

I'm yet to see @pussyrrriot own financial reporting btw! I hope their income doesn't exceed 5k/month - otherwise they may have turned "rogue" under Nadya's leadership 😉

russian "feminist" "anti-war" collective @pussyrrriot hyping themselves up on #GenocideOfUkrainians

Episode no. 26747483

2022, colorised

Good explanations of this here, @calimelange: 1️⃣ twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

2️⃣ twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

3️⃣ twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

BTW, my pay (organised by other DAO members) has constituted something like 0.028% of the DAO funds.

Our operations budget - $0 thanks to @NotionHQ & @asana free licenses ❤️

I wonder if @ICRC beloved by Pussy Riot are as cost-efficient? 😂 Asking for a friend 😉

Interesting question for the audience:

Interesting question #2: when are @pussyrrriot planning to remove this delusional tweet and issue a public apology?

Interesting question #3: why do russians never do their homework before making accusations like this? This is just hella lazy 🤣

to russian "anti-war" "feminists", a Ukrainian person should live on the street while they make an unreported amounts of money using our tragedy for their hype.

I'll be talking about it as long as I want to and if they don't remove the tweets, lawyers will be instructed 💞

Now I've seen it all 😂

No, that wasn't all actually 🤣

💌 The timing of messages I've been receiving about homegrown "fraudbusters" instructed to "get me" is so interesting 👀

🕊 If you're one of them, educate yourself on how our multisig works - here: twitter.com/ukraine_dao/st…

💝And here: ukraine-dao.notion.site: Multisig & Treasury - UkraineDAO.eth

A 🧵 about 🇷🇺 "anti-war feminists" @pussyrrriot rioting against Ukraine during #GenocideOfUkrainians

by @rizzn, who has been working w/ me & Nadya on @FreeRossDAO and @Ukraine_DAO


Updating this 🧵 with @iamcrumplecat tweet and some great news:

✨Nadya from @pussyrrriot had to delete that embarrassing tweet in which she accused me of "having a history of funds mismanagement"✨

It happened thanks to all the amazing people who spoke up for me 👏

❗️I cannot even explain how many people (many of whom I admire and respect), were telling me to not even try to argue publicly with a much more famous 🇷🇺 "celebrity".

❗️I refused to normalise bullying of other Ukrainians by accepting mine. It was a matter of dignity.

❗️I explain to people every day that russians should be held accountable for their actions.

❗️I also try to practice what I preach.

💞 I'm very proud that I didn't give in to the pressure and thanks to the community's effort, the russian "feminist" warship fucked off 💞

Gosh, we’ve fully entered the meme territory 🤣

🎀 @ndboulton has launched a #SpecialFeministOperation 🎀


❓Why #SpecialFeministOperation ?

🎀Because bullying a Ukrainian woman during #GenocideOfUkrainians is NOT anti-war pro-Ukraine feminism 🎀


#SpecialFeministOperation #UKDMemes 🤣@tiinakatariina twitter.com/tiinakatariina…



✨ I was falsely accused of mismanaging funds as the DAO I co-founded decided to pay me for the work I do & Pussy Riot take credit for

✨Tensions started after I fought off donating to the villain charity with a history of corruption


🤣🤣🥲 #SpecialFeministOperation #pussyriotarenotfeminist

#pussyriotarenotfeminist #SpecialFeministOperation

⚡️Inspirational Quote of the Day:

#SpecialFeministOperation #pussyriotarenotfeminist

Adding another Ukrainian perspective on #SpecialFeministOperation

#pussyriotarenotfeminist #russiaisaterrorisstate #standwithukraine


🎀 #pussyriotarenotfeminist 🎀



🎀 #pussyriotarenotfeminist 🎀

#UKDMemes @RaeCattach

#SpecialFeministOperation TLDR

#SpecialFeministOperation featured in @Forbes 🤣


🇷🇺 “anti-war” opposition should live in russia

#visabanforrussians #visaban #SpecialFeministOperation

We need to stop glorifying russians for saying they’re against war.

Everyone in their sound mind is against war. It’s not an achievement.

#visaban #visabanforrussians #SpecialFeministOperation


If @pussyrrriot don’t like being “accused” of being an FSB project, they can…

🎀 Stop acting like an FSB project 🎀


@NightingaleLviv & @maksymeristavi take a look at tweet 49/ in this 🧵

The 🇷🇺 “celebrity” is presented in a heroic stance with a 📸 from a “peace march” after an unsuccessful attempt to leave me with zero income 👍 @decryptmedia could’ve reached out for comment too. twitter.com/NightingaleLvi…

Decent article in Spanish explaining what happened.

Incorrect data in the end where amounts in our treasury are mentioned but otherwise it’s a good summary


🦄 FSB-itches didn’t do their homework

observatorioblockchain.com: Pussy Riot acusa a Alona, cofundadora de UkraineDAO, de cobrar sueldo

Translation of the relevant paragraph from the article above.

❓ Why all of this is so important?

We need to stop glorifying the 🇷🇺 “opposition” that behaves like a typical gopnik

People need to know what @pussyrrriot represent

cc: @meesix #SpecialFeministOperation 🦄

I always joke that I live in the "Pussyverse", @Nick__Arnold 😂

🦄 See tweet 18/ of this 🧵- twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

🏡 Madhouse our @MindfulWebz calls "дюдом" 😂 It was the first word she said as a child. Describes this situation perfectly


#SpecialFeministOperation 🎀

#SpecialFeministOperation 🎀@pussyrrriot

Never held accountable for the Holodomor. Another #GenocideOfUkrainians ongoing - FSB-itches already talking about "rebuilding trust and respect to our country" 🤮

Sickening 🤢 Why platform this, @TheLastWord @Lawrence?

@nadyariot прокоментуй будь ласка?



This kind of nonsense you can only get away with if you’re russian 🦄 twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

Heroic fight ✊ #SpecialFeministOperation twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

yawn @Gagosian @ashleyoverbeek please fact check your sources and correct the article 🙏

russian cultural appropriation must stop.