A thread on Viktor Grudakov and his ZSU design

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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🎂 Happiest 33rd bday to our contributor @viktor_grudakov

Wishing you a peaceful Ukraine - everything else you'll make happen without ЗСУ's help ❤️🖤

I started talking to @viktor_grudakov because I loved his trident design and wanted to have it tattooed.

We immediately had the most Ukrainian argument ever 😹👇

✨Even though Viktor never accepted any compensation from me (I comfort myself with a thought that I'm a walking advert of his art 😹), my amazing friend @shundikd found a beautiful way to thank him 💓

Look how beautiful this neon version of @viktor_grudakov's trident is 😍

✨More about @shundik's work - here: ukraine-dao.notion.site: NeonCentre

Day 1 with my favourite tattoo 💝

I love it very much and in Ukraine it has served me a couple times instead of an ID 😂

The trident is the Coat of Arms & emblem of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The British Counter Terrorism Policing unit used to have it next to III Reich symbols on the extremist guide 😂 www.ukrinform.net: Britain removes Ukrainian trident from counter-extremism manual