A very outdated and incomplete list of things Alona has been recently called by Ukraine's "supporters"

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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Attaching in the tweet below a very outdated and incomplete list of things I've been recently called by Ukraine's "supporters"🇺🇦


Here's what happened in a "OSINT" space whose hosts claim to be supportive of 🇺🇦. Note how at no point that person is removed, interrupted or even just told that what they were saying was inappropriate. Instead of apologising, the hosts then started to harassing me themselves.

"How to not lose your shit when someone is shouting at you 101"

Why I don't ignore always this (btw, most of the time I do ignore):

Western arrogance ignoring Ukrainian voices:

russophobia = holiding russians accountable. In that sense, everyone should be "russophobic".

Before you have a go at a Ukrainian person, make sure you gave the same energy to the person abusing them.

Also - don't have a go at the Ukrainian person. Just don't.

Some people mistakenly took this as me disparaging WR which wasn't the intention behind this 🧵 at all.

Walter is Ukrainian, he works a lot and he isn't always there to step in.

The behaviour of @OSINT88 who is yet to apologise is what I had a problem with.

@StephenKolanko1, "Protector of Ukraine", lol

@HansWorldTravls / @UkrainesGrains spends day and night writing nonsense articles about me in his blog hanshyde.com: Hans Hyde

  1. BTW, an "energy specialist" should know - loss is only realised when assets are sold for a price lower than the purchase price:)
  2. "eThErIum" 😂

BTW, Ukraine DAO doesn't "make" or "lose" any funds because the transactions are sent to the recipients - @BackAndAlive, @Ukraine, @OutRightIntl etc in crypto, without converting them to fiat first.

ukraine-dao.notion.site: Multisig & Treasury - UkraineDAO.eth

To answer Hans's question, here's our last successfully completed fundraiser - it started on 15 June 2022 🙃

Big thank you to everyone who supported, and to former Estonian president @IlvesToomas specifically 🇪🇪🇺🇦

Our ongoing fundraiser - for our team member @djw155 ❤️

DARVO - en.wikipedia.org: DARVO - Wikipedia

@HansWorldTravls @UkrainesGrains xoxo

LOLOLOL @StephenKolanko1