Alona’s training in martial arts

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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I think training very actively (up until Feb) helped me loads in terms of coping with all the emotions over the last few months

That's what I was mostly training for - Brazilian jiu-jitsu in particular develops you as a person and keeps you humble

Btw, jiujitsu entered my life the same weekend I jumped out of a plane🤣

Back in autumn 2019, I skydived to raise funds for a UK-based charity supporting 🇺🇦 children - Ukraine Charity - Helping disadvantaged children in Ukraine

Skydiving wasn't scary at all - awesome experience which I can't wait to repeat

When I got back from Cambridgeshire to London after this, I felt too tired to go to that self-defence workshop I'd booked and almost didn't go, but then last moment changed my mind.

At that workshop I absolutely fell in love with jiujitsu and signed up to the school

My friends were making jokes like "Alona is clearly preparing to join the army or something - jumped off the plane and is learning how to fight🤣"

Now I'm in the Digital Forces of Ukraine😂

Brazilian jiujitsu (BJJ) is not the kind of thing you can make serious progress in if you train once week.

I was very dedicated to it - not because I want to be great at fighting, but because I really enjoy it, which helped me get through some difficult times in life

In spring 2020 when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, the first question I asked the doctors about was whether I'd still be able to train 🤣

Last summer I almost rejected a job offer because I thought that job would mess with training (it did😅)

Practicing jiujitsu CAN make one a deadly weapon - doesn't mean they will get there 😂

It takes many years of training, and staying humble is critical

Arrogance prevents you from learning from your mistakes and getting better.

Just look at russia as an example:)