Alona’s history supporting Ukraine

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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✨The biggest struggle for me has been people not hearing what I say

✨For a number of reasons (arrogance, ignorance, I'm a girl) they make a false assumption that I'm as stupid as them and so present no danger

To illustrate - my post from 25 Jan, weeks before the invasion

✨On this photo - me protesting in Brighton, December 2013. I didn't have any 🇺🇦 friends who could join me so I made that placard and stood at Churchill Square on my own - because people back in Kyiv were fighting oppression. I have a sense of loyalty to them so I'm standing too.

✨Jan 2014, I briefly come back to 🇺🇦 & go to Maidan - epicentre the of Revolution of Dignity

Pro-🇷🇺 outlets will call it "a 🇺🇸-supported insurgency against a legitimately elected 🇺🇦 government of Yanukovych" -…

All I have to say to them - fuck you.

✨See these raspberries?

These are the ones that in July of 2014 I'd grow in my parents' vegetable garden, take them to the local market, sell them to resellers and then send the proceeds to ЗСУ or soldiers wounded while defending 🇺🇦 from 🇷🇺 invasion.

✨This is a only business card I've carried since 2014 Візитка Яроша — Вікіпедія

✨I don't brag about all the things I did to PREVENT this from happening in the first place

✨You'll never hear about 99% of the things I did - I don't use Ukraine for self-promotion like some FSB assets (example-…)

✨Now, every day I feel GUILT about not having managed to prevent my own nation's genocide ❗️If someone on this platform has so little emotional intelligence that they tell me:

❗️Sorry but there is a problem with them, not me

🚨Even in this incident 👇 most people policed whether I took it "too far" with Nadya from @pussyrrriot - the hurt ego of a russian celebrity is more important than the life of a Ukrainian whose life she is trying to destroy.

❓Has everyone gone mad or what, I don't understand?

❗️ I keep asking myself these simple questions, and you know, I don't have good answers to them.

🚨All I see every day is elaborate mental gymnatics for why abuse of Ukrainians is justified during genocide.

It's fucking sickening and I'm tired of dealing with this every day.

❓What angers me the most about all of this?

❗️The fact that by all the morons who belittle me in public, send abuse in DMs and make fun of me, by the time they realise how wrong they were - most of the people and places I loved in this life will be erased from existence.

I do not know how many times and in what words to repeat:

❗️I AM angry

❗️DO hate everything 🇷🇺

❗️I DO hate people who spread lies about 🇺🇦 thus making this genocide possible

❓If my posts outrage someone so much, I'm really fucking curious how they would act if they were me?

✨ For ease of navigation for more things for everyone to get triggered by, here a database with tags:

✨ info attacks on Azov ✨ perspectives of 🇺🇦 ✨ ruscists AKA свинособаки ✨ history of @Ukraine_DAO ✨ shitposting through the invasion Cryptodrftng Threads

✨Blog Drftng With Ukraine: Day 31 - cryptodrftng.

✨Linktree: Alona Shevchenko | Twitter, Instagram | Linktree

✨To clarify, @Kosh800: