The struggles of being diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes at age 26

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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Once I was telling a friend about the struggles of being diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes at the age of 26 (devastating incurable autoimmune disorder - not gonna sugarcoat it), and he said something really profound to me that I'd like to share.

This friend is an extremely intelligent & successful person. As a child, he experienced trauma that's extremely deep (even by my standards these days), won't go into details to protect his privacy.

This is what he said to me:

"Every day when you wake up, you're dealt a set of cards. Now, you can't choose what cards you're going to be dealt. Sometimes they're good and it's easy to play. Sometimes that aren't. But you can still choose how to play them and you should continue to play."

Another quote on this that I really like is by Henry Ford:

"Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right".

All these years I was saying the same thing, and before the invasion people were telling me I shouldn't worry so much, no point - one person can't change much. One person maybe can't, but with @DefiHope, @zencephalon and hundreds others at @Ukraine_DAO we did change a lot.