Day 110. Over eight years of convincing the world about what is really happening in Ukraine

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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Day 110. 🧵 about speaking to a psychologist about what's most shocking and traumatising for me personally -…

🧵 about trying to tell people what's happening for over 8 years -…

On the photo above: me in 2015 at the presentation about the war in 🇺🇦 and russian propaganda. That was the first time I tried explaining to people that russia is turning into a fascist state, saw the confused faces and realised that we are fucked.

Sorry it's been longer than 8 years - here's a photo of me protesting in Brighton. I didn't have any Ukrainian friends who could join me so I made that placard and stood at Churchill Square on my own - because people back in Kyiv were fighting oppression.

It's June 2022 now. @brokenpixelua has to explain he is not a fascist member of far right militia and @Reuters is telling you about how russia is "exporting" grain from occupied territories. Have a great evening.…

7 (?)/ This 🧵 has a very incomplete list of people sending me abuse.

@StephenKolanko1 for example thinks I should be grateful for not being in a filtration camp.

"Protector of Ukraine" my ass

So was I, @kopiganja People laughed at me for saying this, and some still do🤦‍♀️