✨ Indija / boxing

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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Just saw this video and realised I haven't trained/done any proper exercise for almost 4 months 🥲 pic.twitter.com/EG9X5XyMog

Tbh I'm not even a huge fan of training boxing (I like watching it more 😂 + mostly trained Brazilian jiujitsu and not boxing) but Indija is fucking awesome: instagram.com: I N D I J A • A N D E R S O N (@indijaanderson) • Instagram photos and videos

Having her energy in my life was definitely a very wholesome thing ❤️ pic.twitter.com/OMbQIURfhj

I'm not ready to go back to training Brazilian Jiujitsu for a bunch of reasons, but just messaged Indija to check if she's in London - we used to have so much fun together 😭

Really hoping she says "yes"☺️ pic.twitter.com/tBwyaHMvbR