Occasion no. 37489273 of me being accused of being as bad as the ruscists committing #GenocideOfUkrainians

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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This is beautiful, thanks for the high praise for my work, @CalinIonescu5 ❤️ The reason why #GenocideOfUkrainians is happening is actually partially can be attributed to people like you bleating about russophobia: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

#StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraineNow

"Bully" AKA "the person who actually knows what the fuck they are talking about" 😂

Rare species these days, I know, we are very scary 💞

"You are not asking for donations" is the most hilarious accusation I've seen in my life: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

@Ukraine_DAO is accepting donations - ukraine-dao.notion.site: Multisig & Treasury - UkraineDAO.eth

❗️We are currently focused on info war. If Ukraine loses it, no donations will help us.

"Let's eject everything russian from history and from the libraries" - yes. I think it's a great initiative. Also, if you look for "russian" stuff that wasn't stolen by russians from other cultures, there isn't gonna be much left to eject so not a huge loss at all 😂

I think there's a bit of misunderstanding here - I never said I wouldn't mind to see Moscow burning!

I would LOVE to see it burning 💞 "Wouldn't mind" is an understatement.

🔥 Another option, that doesn't require it burning to the ground - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

I saw one of them burning, BTW

Also, Moscow People's Republic has the right to independence and if their separatists want to be annexed by Ukraine - we'll consider their application as we are peaceful people ✊

🎙@HolyWaterUA twitter.com/holywaterua/st…

For clarity on russian children, russian babies etc etc, repeating again - I do not give a flying fuck about them. What's so hard to understand? I don't incite any violence, I just literally do not care about what happens with them. At all.

Here are the children everyone should be worried about - Ukrainian children. russia is trafficking them right now: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

Broadcasted every night from @Ukraine_DAO London office

My thoughts and prayers go out to these men, women and non-binary people 🕊

Ignorance, arrogance and stupidity do not have a gender - they're universal.

Not sure if the "satrap" is meant to insult me, but I'm very proud of my rural upbringing. I talked about it a bit here - cryptodrftng.substack.com: Day 31 - cryptodrftng.

I spent a lot of time Ukrainian villagers as a child - they're absolutely beautiful ❤️ Re "I revoke your UA citizenship" - 🤣🤣🤣

#CynicalAttentionWhore ❤️

Thank you for your assessment of my work 😂❤️

This is what's he is referring to: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

I have changed indeed. I encourage everyone to donate to @BackAndAlive so that you don't have to become like me ❤️ www.comebackalive.in.ua: Donate | comebackalive

📚"Come Back Alive" page in @Ukraine_DAO Notion - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

@jazzuit remember you said I should start making videos where I read all the horrible messages that people send me online? I think I have enough materials over here, I'm ready 😂

Interesting fantasy, @CalinIonescu5 - didn't know that's what attracted you about me.

I think the reality is that I'm doing to your mind something like this though:

Adding in reference to tweet 5/ of this 🧵

"You wouldn't mind to see Moscow burning, would you?" 🤣
