On Ukrainian "neo-Nazis" that everyone loves talking about these days

Author: Альона Шевченко
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After all the indescribable suffering that russia has inflicted on Ukraine, if it's still the "Ukrainian Nazis" that concern you and you're worried about safety of russians who are "not to blame" - you're sick in your head.

Ukrainians shouldn't have to listen to this bullshit.

Parroting propaganda over and over again has an awful long-lasting effect on people's brains. We've seen that in russia, the damage it does. Why the hell are we calling this an "open conversation" and "free speech"? Telling lies us not free speech.

The concept of "free speech" has been very successfully weaponised by russia and if we don't open our eyes to that, our civilisation is screwed. Sorry but not every opinion actually needs to be listened to and Ukrainians definitely shouldn't have to hear this every fucking day.

Guys, these are grown men, ok? They are not "still learning", they made up their minds a long time ago. If they want to, they can educate themselves elsewhere. They are not naive like you. By giving them a platform to speak, we normalise genocide denial. Same with russians.

Pause for a second and think: what kind of sick society are we if we let for the people who are sacrificing their lives for our and others' safety, to be called neo-Nazis and disrespected like that? What are those Azov guys dying for? We seriously don't deserve them.

I ask myself the same question - why exactly should we listen to this? I don't get it. Want to stop "russophobia"? Help Ukraine win then. As @_Tymoshenko said - if russians want to kill fascism in Europe, they'll need to kill themselves.