On speaking russian

Author: Альона Шевченко
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@MindfulWebz and I are organising Twitter Spaces this Friday for people not fluent in English so that they can speak in Ukrainian/russian. Some Ukrainians from russian-speaking regions are not fluent enough in 🇺🇦 yet and they will not be judged for that.

I come from Dnipro that is a very pro-Ukrainian & russian-speaking region, tell anyone there that you support russia - they will bite your head off 😂 Speaking russian is not a sign of one's political position and I won't let anyone separate us on the basis of language.

The vast majority of Ukrainians can speak both Ukrainian and russian, although the same can't be said about russians. Any division of Ukrainians on a language basis is artificial and people should be able to speak in whichever language they're comfortable.

If/when they're ready to switch to Ukrainian - they will but tbh I know a lot of Ukrainian-speaking people who undermine Ukraine every day so speaking Ukrainian doesn't make anyone any better in my eyes, it's their actions that matter.

A lot of people serving in @ArmedForcesUkr speak Russian, or суржик - which is local dialects that have Ukrainian mixed with russian. They deserve equal recognition and respect with Ukrainian speaking defenders of Ukraine.