Mriya Report hosting belarussian "opposition"

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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🚨 What's up with "fReEDOm oF sPeEcH", @MriyaReport? 🧐

You loved lecturing me about it every time I got mistreated in your spaces

✨ Did it fall out of the window together with Germany's "dEmOcrAcY" and your Space's reputation tonight? 🤣

@BalticSnowTiger @YAmzallagh

🚩 @Balkunets

"wE nEeD tO sEPaRaTe LuKaSHeNkO fRoM bELaRuSsIAn pEoPlE"

Чому в нас ніколи не було цієі жалюгідності? Де ви її стільки знайшли?

Dear Western audience,

the impotent 🇧🇾 "oppositioners" are bleating about not having support from the West

By saying this they disclose a very telling thing 🤣

They say to you:

✨solve MY problems that I caused MYSELF and support ME while Ukrainians are paying the price ✨

❗️People of 🇧🇾 let russian tanks roll through their land to invade 🇺🇦

❗️They helped ruZZians attack Kyiv oblast

Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel all happened because of them

❗️They should be too ashamed to join a public discussion in their lifetime

❗️They want you to support THEM

❗️Being Ukrainian is hell these days.

I cannot describe this pain with words - it's beyond human, and you know what?

❗️I'd NEVER trade being Ukrainian for anything - including being released from this pain.

We have something more important - we'll NEVER be pathetic like 🇧🇾

🚩@MriyaReport : "We amplify 🇺🇦 voices - you are blocked,so we can enjoy diverse shit takes on 🇺🇦 of "bOtH sIdEs" - today we have 2 🇷🇺 parrots and 3 pathetic 🇧🇾 "

@BalticSnowTiger @YAmzallagh you are such misogynists you think a woman can't possibly see through your BS 🤣

In other "news"

After all that ruSSians did to the Crimean Tatars in the past, since 2014 - AGAIN persecuted ❗️tortures ❗️arbitrary imprisonments ❗️disappearances

30,000 had to flee

Then this 🇧🇾 scum turns around in MR to say we had it easy as "we didn't lose anyone"

🚨Тому дорогі @MriyaReport

✨особливо @BalticSnowTiger @YAmzallagh - ви йдете нахуй ✨

Ідіть нахуй разом з @officejjsmart @PKurzin @Balkunets @ValeryTsepkalo @a_kotau і іншими пиздаболами ✨

Знайдіть собі нову роботу, а не присвоюйте собі подвиги ЗСУ. Вони не ваші.

BTW, next time 🇷🇺 parrot @officejjsmart brings another irrelevant "former [because found to be corrupt] oFfiCiAL" to @MriyaReport - remind them exactly how pathetic they are 😂

Anyway, rant over, I'm fucking off to train my AI system Pavlo Massarenko


✨Never (!) be scared of nasty bitches - let them scared of you ✨

✨In the world full of Germanies, be an 🇪🇪

❤️‍🔥 Stay based like @apmassaro3

@iamcrumplecat "🇧🇾 oppositioners are jailed, and these are opportunists rats with 🇷🇺 spirits, took off during the first days of the 🇧🇾 protests and still think they can demand something.Especially @ValeryTsepkalo 🐀 And with regards to Ukraine - they should shut the fuck up."