Mental health of Ukrainians + People in Ukraine

Author: Альона Шевченко
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Over the last 100+ days, I've had all sorts of breakdowns and I'm extremely mentally stable person. I've stared at the wall all day (before the invasion, afterwards I didn't have the time) I've cried for hours. I've told close friends I don't want to be in this world anymore.

When that happened, it wasn't me wanting to go and do something to myself - I cherish life at pretty much any moment and grateful for being alive. But I watched @Bundeskanzler worry about recession. @EmmanuelMacron - about not saving putin's face. After Bucha.

#russianWarCrimes no matter how awful they are, are not the most scary thing in the world to me. You know what is? Human apathy. "Neutrality". Watching millions of human beings who are just like me, go through unspeakable suffering & saying "yes but what about Azov's symbols?"

Today is mum's birthday. The only thing I really wish is for her to simply be alive by the same day next year.

As this is happening, I'm the one who's called hateful, clickbaiter, disaster capitalist. My parents are now effectively refugees, displaced within the country. There is a filtration camp 50km from my home town. People online tell me I should be thankful I'm not there. Дякую.

As any self-respecting Ukrainian Nazi, at the worst moments I reached out for support to a russian-born friend (he hates russia too, btw). He replied with the most unexpected and the most reassuring thing: "Of course you don't want to live anymore. It's absolutely normal."

It's normal to not want to be in this world anymore. You accept that state, wait for it to pass, it passes, then comes back again. At some point in was a daily thing. It was often some of @Ukraine_DAO contributors who learned to pick up on when I'm in that state.

They learned how to drag me out of that dark place in my mind. You know, there is this aphorism by Nietzsche - "what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger".

As a 🇺🇦 person, you often sit down and think "how much stronger do I need to become? At what point do I die from pain?