About Ukrainians being lectured during #GenocideOfUkrainians

Author: Альона Шевченко
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Just called mum. "I still can't believe that all of this is real.

That the world is watching it and letting it happen to us.

It's like we're in the 40s of the last century again, but this time everyone can see it real time. How is this even possible?"

Meanwhile, Ukrainians, including myself, are being patronised and lectured every single day and told about how we "should not generalise" because "not all russians are like that". I want to ask everyone: where the fuck are those mythical "different russians?"

I have a few good russian friends and none of them, literally none of them, have an issue with me being mad at russians. Because they hate russia and everything it's about too. They don't have the arrogance to tell me how I should be feeling right now. And neither should you.

I speak and write in russian better than the vast majority of russians. I've read most of what's called "classical russian literature". I've met more russians in my life than all of the people lecturing me have, combined. Don't lecture me about who most russians are.

Just last night I was being yelled at in Twitter Spaces and told that “I’ve failed the test” by a German person. And you know what? There is no test that a German person can be lecturing me about. One needs to have close to sociopathic lack of self-awareness to even say that.

I was told some BS about polls, how there is a 2% increase in Germans who agree with Ukraine being delivered weapons, "realpolitik", “whether you like it or not”, “this is how the sausage is made”. 3 months into #GenocideOfUkrainians, is the change in polls the best 🇩🇪 can do?

0 apologies from russians, germans or pretty much anyone else

Now, a little bit about "international law", "democracy" and other obscure terms that people who lack any self-awareness and empathy like to bring up.

As a qualified lawyer, I'd like to tell you - both are worth jack shit right now.

Your "democracy" is russia's slut.

Next time you decide to be patronising to me or any Ukrainian person, please remind yourself that if you "support Ukraine" but it doesn't include actually hearing Ukrainians, we'll be better off without you.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk and #ArmUkraineNow 🖤

UPD: I have never been affiliated with any particular political party or ideology. I like to develop nuanced views with an open mind while seeking the truth. I've also been trying to deal with all this while battling a devastating incurable disease.

cryptodrftng.substack.com: Day 31 - cryptodrftng.

Open Letter on the War in Ukraine

I could see and was trying to warn everyone that 🇷🇺 was becoming a fascist state since 2014. You're saying to me that the 🇪🇺 leaders, with all their intelligence info, did not see that? They did. But because it was about Ukraine, they didn't care. Greed for 💰 & power won.

🧵 about the importance of "not generalising" - common gaslighting technique that aims to make the victim feel guilty. I can see what people who use it are trying to do and have nothing to say to them except for that they can go fuck themselves

On a lighter note- super proud of my parents for doing this incredible work. Please don't tell my dad I was swearing on Twitter, otherwise WWIII is going to start before the scheduled time 😂

🧵about what it's like to be Ukrainian

🧵 about the biggest russian propaganda news agency - @Reuters

🧵 about Ukraine's big problem with neo-Nazism - #russia


Quick lesson on how to check whether what you say about 🇺🇦 makes sense:

On 🇺🇦 voices not being heard. @AdrianBonenber1 have you changed your mind about @ChristopherJM yet? Still "don't know who I am"? Looking forward to hearing from you!

According to #russia, people like me and my family, should die. Continue to worry about higher gas bill or #ArmUkraineNow

This is a very important point that I'd like to communicate to all the fake "pacifists", whose views "don't allow" them to support arming Ukraine:

There is a price you'll have to pay for everything you do and everything you don't do. Up to you.

If you stop paying russia for #GenocideOfUkrainians and help to #ArmUkraineNow, the benefit you get is that the russian bombs will keep falling on the Ukrainian land for some time - not on yours.

If you think you are safe, I have bad news for you.

First screenshot - from 26 Feb

🧵 on "neo-Nazis"

Also, while I have your attention - @navalny is not Ukraine's friend. He's not inspirational.

The only reason he doesn't like p*tin is because he's not in his place.

I translate statements of @EmmanuelMacron for those who can't understand the nonsense that he says: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s… twitter.com/apmassaro3/sta…

thank you, @wireout