If you're feeling helpless/useless today, here's a reason to cheer up - at least you are not Olaf Scholz

Author: Альона Шевченко
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If you're feeling helpless/useless today, here's a reason to cheer up - at least you are not @OlafScholz @Bundeskanzler 🥳 Things could always be worse!

💔 My heart goes out to poor journalists/editors who wasted their time on this interview. @derspiegel

@OlafScholz @Bundeskanzler: "highly armed superpower like russia"

the "superpower": realises real quick that it can't face the Ukrainian Armed Forces so instead launches an assault on the only opponents it can fight with: unarmed civilians, mainly women and children

Here, I don't even know what to say... Send help🤣 @derspiegel @Bundeskanzler @OlafScholz

I hope no one in Germany passed out from exhaustion while working on the helmets mission. @OlafScholz @Bundeskanzler @derspiegel twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

Thank god Estonia is not pointing fingers at others like this


Sorry I can't bring myself to read this for much longer 🤣🤣🤣 @OlafScholz @Bundeskanzler @derspiegel Who inspired Olaf to send helmets at such alarming speed?

A few memes about the "superpower" and 🇩🇪

correct spelling of the "superpower" - "terrorist state".

While I have your attention - here's credible info about Azov: ukraine-dao.notion.site: #SaveAzov Also, @Reuters is russian propaganda: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

Have a great weekend and merry Christmas, everyone! 🎉

My favourite "nuclear" tweet - by @BlockGeekDima 💙💛

Superpower warrior liberating a Ukrainian electronic store where UA nationalists held iPhones as hostages: @derspiegel @Bundeskanzler @OlafScholz

I thought this was a comedy account at first 🤦‍♀️ @GermanyNATO @JimmySecUK @SpaghettiKozak

I really wouldn't worry about Ukraine joining the EU/NATO etc. Germany would need to leave first, otherwise nothing to do there.


"She also stressed the need to keep talking to Russian President Vladimir Putin even after the annexation of the Crimea and conflict in eastern Ukraine which led to Western sanctions." #GenocideOfUkrainians #ArmUkraineNow #ArmUkraine #StandWithUkraine

❓ Question of the day: if Germany is your friend, do you even need an enemy? 🧐

#ArmUkraineNow #StandWithUkraine️

I do know some great German people personally - they have no issue with what I say about 🇩🇪

I actually started the 🧵 that angered you from telling one of them that I love him: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s… twitter.com/ZeroWatchman/s…

@berlin_bridge 💞 twitter.com/LvivNightingal…

First of all, this statement would be hilarious if the real life wasn't actually so sad.

Second, @e_endruweit, for completeness of picture, can Germany also publish the list of weapons sold to russia in violation of embargo on arms sales imposed in 2014?

Along with the amount of funding russia has received from Germany since it started the genocidal invasion?

As I said before, Ukraine receives loads of weapons from Germany.

It just gets into Ukraine from the wrong side - Ukrainians are being killed with the weapons that he helped sell to russia despite the embargo.



🇩🇪 is complicit in #GenocideOfUkrainians

The vast majority of German people know what's going on in Ukraine.


Is anyone surprised? @Bundeskanzler @OlafScholz



Resharing just in case

Genius plan. #GigaBrains

Hint: it doesn't.

🇩🇪 turned out to be one big scam.

@berlin_bridge @LvivNightingale twitter.com/LvivNightingal…

What's up, @ImperiousGrdsmn, is Germany being useless again today? Who could've thought?! 😱

#germanyfundsgenocide #genocideofukrainians #armukrainenow

Put a jacket on, @AnnekaTreon

Germany undermined Ukraine for decades - as a result 🇺🇦 is not a member of NATO

🇩🇪 sold arms to russia despite the embargo imposed to 2014

Right now 🇩🇪 is funding #GenocideOfUkrainians

So it's place in history is to be humiliated together with russia.

#germanyfundsgenocide #GenocideOfUkrainians

✅ New episode of the daily show called "You guys should die, no time to explain why"

✅ Here's 🧵 with translations of statements of the 🇫🇷 genocide apologist is here: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…


🕊Sending thoughts and prayers to people who were "punched in the guts" in Feb - hope you're doing ok, let me know if we can help somehow!

💌 This post from my blog contains a bit more of my thoughts on 🇩🇪 & links for Germans who want to help: cryptodrftng.substack.com: Day 75. Never Forgive.

#germanyfundsgenocide #GenocideOfUkrainians

✅ Thank you for clarifying, @don_daliano

Let's not blame everything on Germans - 🇬🇧 individuals with no empathy have made appearances too today: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

I'll never understand this lack of self-awareness - to be bitching to 🇺🇦 people about gas bills as we are going through #GenocideOfUkrainians

I feel sick every time it happens and it's every day.

We are being killed. No one's hurt egos/dumb views matter to us right now.



#Нікчемчина 🤦‍♀️

🚨 #GermanyFundsGenocide 🚨

❓What's wrong with Germany?

Too cowardly to commit a genocide again physically, they're now paying russia to do it and wasting everyone's time with their empty promises and fake support of 🇺🇦 - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

I previously wrote a little bit about nukes - 🧵 - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

✅ Item: "I love cheap gas" puffer jacket

Origin: Germany, the country on the wrong side of history AGAIN

💰Price: hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives


Available only until Germans realise there are bigger problems in this life than a high gas bill

I love @NovelSci so much ❤️


  1. is 🇩🇪 delivering that from 🇷🇺 or 🇺🇦 side? You never know with them!

  2. does anyone know the expected delivery date for the military-grade thoughts and prayers that 🇩🇪 is sending us?




#GermanyFundsGenocide #GenocideOfUkrainians


Germans who are complaining to Ukrainians about us "generalising" - as we are being indiscriminately killed every day - are just something else. #GenocideOfUkrainians

Your daily reminder that #GermanyFundsGenocide 🇩🇪

And that we say we’ll “never forgive” again but no one is actually apologising

cryptodrftng.substack.com: Day 75. Never Forgive.

#GenocideOfUkrainians #ArmUkraineNow #russiaisaterroriststate

@IlvesToomas I’m terrified to see what @dwnews will write when temperature drops below 18C.

We made them a special winter jacket - it’s in 52/ of this 🧵

боже як можна бути такими конченими, поясніть мені хтось, я не розумію

Translation "🇩🇪 is wasting everyone's time again"

#GenocideOfUkrainians #ArmUkraineNow #russiaisaterroriststate #GermanyFundsGenocide

@aleonala, it's important to recognise that Ukraine actually received loads of weapons from 🇩🇪

They got there from the wrong side - after the German "pacifists" sold them to 🇷🇺 despite the embargo

When 🇺🇦 asked for help, they promised (!) 5,000 helmets 🪖 #нікчемчина

Saw a similar tweet by @unnamedleftist earlier, but account now closed, so:

Germany launched this service aiming to help 🇺🇦 refugees adjust to the German society.

Can someone explain to me why Ukrainians are presented as pigs dressed in 🇺🇦 colours?

mein-freund-mykola.de: MYKOLA – ДОМАШНЯ СТОРІНКА

@NovelSci have you seen anywhere an estimate of how much money Germany has pumped into russia? I'm very curious to see it #GermanyFundsGenocide #russiaisaterroriststate #ArmUkraineNow #SaveAzov

The tweet below was in reply to someone tweeting at me some BS "Democracy Index" saying that they "cOnSiDeR iT rElEvAnT tO tAkE iNtO aCcOuNt blablabla"🤣

Being a democracy on paper and in real life are two different things

❗️Ukraine is a democracy

❗️Germany is a 🇷🇺 puppet

@morphiaz there have been lots of discussions under 61/ of this 🧵 about this pig 🥲

It's been suggested that the "peace" sign is because the project was organised by a religious group - I didn't know it was a traditional Christian symbol!

One of our community members @Uliana_IN actually emailed them too about Mykola the Pig - we haven't heard back from them.

Quick explainer why Ukrainians are a little "sensitive" about the kind of stuff like Mykola the Pig:

We are sick and tired of being reminded about "peace", "reconciliation" and "dialogue" during our genocide - by the people who are funding it.

Example -👇

@Uliana_IN 👏👏👏 (I'm sure we'll never hear back from them)

#GermanyFundsGenocide #GenocideOfUkrainians #russiaisaterroriststate

Daily reminder:

❗️🇩🇪 needs to address its corruption issues before starting to lecture other countries - and 🇺🇦 in particular.

❗️Is there corruption in 🇺🇦? Yes, but over the years we’ve made incredible progress

❗️Whereas 🇩🇪 sold itself to 🇷🇺 and is still whining🤦‍♀️

🚨BTW, “corruption” in Ukraine doesn’t pump enormous amounts of money towards the genocide in the biggest country in Europe that’s also feeding the rest of the world.

#GenocideOfUkrainians #GermanyFundsGenocide #russiaisaterroriststate

ecfr.eu: Germany’s corruption scandals: How to limit authoritarian influence in the EU

For those with short memory, here's what Germany was busy doing in January 2022:

❗️Blocking Estonia from giving Ukraine help.

#GermanyFundsGenocide #GenocideOfUkrainians #russiaisaterroriststate #ArmUkraineNow

@maksymeristavi didn't know me back when he wrote this tweet.

But I was following him and I remembered this very well for some reason. It was insane to see. "Peacemaking success" my ass

Now, I'm not a military expert but can someone take a look at this and let me know what this looks like?

📆 Dates of the first two articles: 27 Jan 2022 📆 Date of the last one: 25 Feb 2022

#GermanyFundsGenocide #GenocideOfUkrainians #russiaisaterroriststate #ArmUkraineNow

Here's what russians were broadcasting on their state-owned TV while Germany was promising us helmets.

Does this look familiar to anyone?

They didn't know about this?

#GermanyFundsGenocide #GenocideOfUkrainians #russiaisaterroriststate #ArmUkraineNow

#GermanyFundsGenocide #GenocideOfUkrainians #russiaisaterroriststate #ArmUkraineNow

Great point, @porizna

We say we'll never forgive this - but they aren't even apologising.

#GermanyFundsGenocide #GenocideOfUkrainians #russiaisaterroriststate #ArmUkraineNow

I wrote a little message to Germans a few months ago.

🚨 It's probably a little bit too direct for their liking, but trust me, being friendly and polite wasn't much more fruitful.

"If you don't agree with appeasement politics and @Bundeskanzler & Co paying for #GenocideOfUkrainians - it's on you to make sure they stop. No one else can. It's definitely not Ukrainians' job. Nothing to be mad at us for."

#GermanyFundsGenocide #GenocideOfUkrainians

"When russian rockets start falling on your house, you're not going to worry about humiliating putin, "WWIII", nukes and other BS they've been using to scare you."

#GermanyFundsGenocide #GenocideOfUkrainians #russiaisaterroriststate #ArmUkraineNow

I can’t 🥲

“Also, the politically neutral dove, shame it's not breaking up nukes with its beak.” #russiaisaterroriststate

#нікчемчина, шо з тобою не так?

Is this a joke, @UNESCO?

One of my all-time favourite tweets 👇

To people who are shocked by the fact that I made a 80-tweet thread about Germany:

Don’t worry.

This is just the beginning 🔥

I have embraced suffering as part of my life, @SlavaUkraini09 🥲

❗️Making a 🧵 about Germany is not as painful as some of my conversations with actual Germans who were often surprised by the fact that I was “upset” about #GenocideOfUkrainians

What the German authorities doing?


Another question: If it was up to Germany, would Ukraine survive?

cc: @KuldkeppMart #нікчемчина

In today's episode of #Нікчемчина News

A German person is offended on the russians' behalf, he "doesn't want them gone" 🥲

#visaban #visabanforrussians 🧵- twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

@a_feanor я не знаю що тут відбувається, але вам шлю своє співчуття і запрошую до нас на Twitter Space прийти розповісти про це


Nothing new in this 🧵

Germany and France still being pathetic. #russiaisaterroriststate #GenocideOfUkrainians #ArmUkraineNow #GermanyFundsGenocide

France 🧵 - twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

🚨Germany outdid itself today 🚨

Why is it so corrupt?

#нікчемчина #УкрТві

#russiaisaterroriststate #ArmUkraineNow

@tweet4anna ❤️‍🩹

@tweet4anna ❤️‍🩹

Germany rn:

Daily Germany - russian fascists in @hannover collecting money for the russian army.

#visaban #visabanforrusians

Rosalie - based 🤝

Everyone: When will Germany wake up?

Germany: Russische Comedy!


Sorry to say this, but... pretty much anyone is more important than the person who said that to you, @ndboulton 😹

We are very grateful but without Germany those refugees would actually be living back home in Ukraine.

Before "resisting" fascists in the EU, Germany needs to get rid of its own ones. It's in no position to lecture any other country on anything.

100/ No, I never actually said "erase Germans"

Germans on the other hand, don't seem to be bothered by Ukrainians being "erased"

❗️Ukrainians are fighting the Nazis, ok? Germans so far have mostly been paying those Nazis enabling them to carry on killing us.

101/ Germany sold itself to a failed state.

102/ More wild stuff from my "favourite" country in Europe

103/ Thank god for @MelnykAndrij

104/ @backfischritter 🤝

105/ Thank you for saying this, @backfischritter

106/ @backfischritter

107/ Interesting observation - Germans who ACTUALLY support Ukraine like @backfischritter, are never insulted by my comments - because they know it's not about them what I say.

It's the fake ass "Ukraine supporters" with a superiority complex who are instantly triggered.

108/ Guys. I mean what I say about Germany.

Thank you very much for the support with refugees, but without Germany those refugees would be living at home. And my family wouldn't be getting shelled every day.

109/ This 🧵 is usually about Germany but Germany isn't actually a democracy either (and if it is - that's very concerning), so I will leave it here.

110/ What is it again that we should be grateful to Germans for? For funding our genocide? 🧐

111/ #нікчемчина @Bundeskanzler

112/ - Fuck you, Sasha 🤌

113/ Germans: - since August, we have had no space and resources to accept Ukrainian refugees, it is difficult for us, we are exhausted

Also Germans: - No, wait, for the russians, who are cynically killing them, we will definitely come up with something, Willkommen!

114/ @petite_michelle I'm howling 🤣

115/ "This really isn’t healthy for a democracy as it fixates on tropes & processes not democratic outcomes"


116/ Deutsche Bahn: - Today the train is cancelled due to bad weather.

@Ukrzaliznytsia: - The railway got hit by a rocket, the train is 5 min late.

117/ Twitter Spaces "Helping Germany Become a Democracy" - co-hosted with @Bunnyrabert

#нікчемчина #Germany twitter.com: Happening now: Space for the SBU

118/ ❓Was Germany ever a democracy? @alamalbert, I'm not sure

119/ #нікчемчина @_FriedrichMerz

Every time I think germans can't go any lower, they prove me wrong 🤮

120/ #нікчемчина

121/ @Uliana_IN do you not understand how important is German economy?!

Why do you keep Germany-bashing like there's a genocide happening or something??


122/ In 🇩🇪!

123/ "Ніколи такого не було і от знову"

#нікчемчина 😒

124/ Interesting detail:

📌 When you see all that nonsense about "Ukrainian Nazis" online, a lot of the time most of that signal is coming from Germany.

This isn't from the article, it's just what I know from the folks studying 🇷🇺 disinfo on social media.

125/ Posted with no comment. #germany

126/ #germany "German far-right screaming "Nazis out" and "piss of you pigs, you live on our benefits" at Ukrainian demo in Leipzig"

127/ #germany

128/ #GermanyIsCompromised

What a surprise. I mean, who could've thought? 🥲

cc: @berlin_bridge 🫂

129/ 💔 #StandWithDeutschland

130/ “germany cynically hoped for a rapid russian victory for economic reasons” - 🧵

131/ Merkel: “It was not a surprise.

The Minsk agreements were destroyed.

After the meeting between Biden and Putin, I wanted to create a separate European format for talks with Putin." #Germany #нікчемчина

132/ “I was riding Berlin's U3 subway line one April evening earlier this year when I noticed the shocking name of a station along the route: Onkel Toms Hütte, or Uncle Tom's Cabin.” @mvenk82

133/ 💬 @cybersoroka “Corruption is an ironclad excuse for gatekeeping as: • it’s impossible to overcome • it’s unavoidable for any country that trades with Russia”

134/ “Blödeln scheinheilig rum.”

135/ 💭 @LermeyMelon

"Those nasty Ukrainians bullying poor innocent russians."


www.dw.com: Russian communities in Germany face hostility

136/ Germany strikes again, Episode #6164748392 #нікчемчина

137/ Guys.

What's wrong with them? Seriously.

138/ #Germany #нікчемчина @TimothyDSnyder

139/ Thank you so much @marlowc2324 for posting this Many of my conversations with Germans showed me they just didn’t see me as an equal human being. Not all of them, but many, and here’s one of the reasons why. #нікчемчина #germanyv

140/ #нікчемчина - все як звичайно

#slavadeutschland 🕊🤦‍♀️

141/ #нікчемчина - все ще так само нікчемно, як вчора


142/ #нікчемчина

143/ @radiowestin 💯

It’s weird to me when people talk about how Germany after WWII “started from square 1” and what “a long way it went”.

It really didn’t.

To me it looks more like:

“We’ve been told we shouldn’t commit genocide. So this time we will just fund it.” 🕊☮️

144/ “Why is it not always remembered that Ukraine was the center of Hitler’s ideology?

Why is it not always remembered that Ukrainians were intended slaves of Germany?”


145/ “Why is it not always remembered that Ukrainians were understood racially by Nazi ideology?

Why is it not always remembered that if you want to understand the Holocaust, we have to start with Ukraine?”


146/ @TimothyDSnyder “On Germany's Historical Responsibility Towards Ukraine”


147/ #нікчемчина

148/ #нікчемчина

"Merkel receives the highest possible German award"

www.deutschlandfunk.de: Verdienstorden - Merkel bekommt höchstmögliche deutsche Auszeichnung

149/ #нікчемчина strikes again