Why donating money through the Red Cross is a very bad idea?

Author: Альона Шевченко
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Why donating money through Red Cross is a very bad idea?

  1. www.npr.org: In Search Of The Red Cross' $500 Million In Haiti Relief

  2. www.propublica.org: 10 Disturbing Things ProPublica Learned Investigating the Red Cross’ Sandy Relief Efforts

  3. www.vox.com: "We shouldn’t reflexively send $10 to the Red Cross"

  4. slate.com: Don’t Give $20 to the Red Cross. We Need a New Kind of Humanitarian Relief.

  5. www.theguardian.com: Australian Red Cross defends spending 10% of bushfire donations on office costs

  6. twitter.com/walterlekh/sta…

  7. kyivindependent.com: Zelensky: "International Committee of the Red Cross is forbidding us to use their emblem on the humanitarian mission vehicles."

  8. twitter.com/nikamelkozerov…
