On the failures of the European politicians

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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When I first saw how 🇺🇦 was shown to russians by the 🇷🇺 media over 8 years ago, I felt paralyzed by terror

It was exactly like about Jews in 🇩🇪 before the Holocaust

If I knew that, being educated in a rural 🇺🇦 school, not sure wtf 🇪🇺 politicians were taught at history classes twitter.com/apmassaro3/sta…

They couldn't not have known what was about to happen.

One history class about the WWII is enough to know what happens from appeasement politics.

They just thought they wouldn't have to pay for it. But they knew that we would have to pay. And they were ok with it.