Empathy For Ukrainians

Author: Альона Шевченко
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I seriously can't believe I have to explain to people that they should have empathy for Ukrainians and that empathy means more than putting a Ukrainian flag in your Twitter username.

I wake up and go to bed with an awful feeling of guilt every day. I always feel like I haven't done enough to prevent or stop #GenocideOfUkrainians. russians mostly feel none of that guilt. The sense of personal responsibility is not familiar to them.

Meanwhile they have the audacity to talk about how they are discriminated and how they suffer. People are quick to feel bad for them - a russian person's feelings are more important than Ukrainian people being literally slaughtered as you read this

I don't know who hasn't noticed yet but I'm not very easily guilt tripped.

Hate is a powerful emotion that Ukrainians are not allowed because they are seen as inferior.

That's why I advocate for our right to hate - the most normal response.

Look at this. Is it putin doing all this? How many people do you need to forcibly deport 1.2m Ukrainians, does someone want to tell me? Don't chat shit to me about "just a few russians"? People trying to make me feel guilty should be ashamed of themselves

I know it's shocking news, but I may be better placed to comment on how Ukrainians should behave. I may know our history better. I may know russians better than people lecturing me about russians. People who do know them do not patronise me. They understand.

Here's the open letter I published 3 days before the invasion.

www.freerossdao.org: Open Letter on the War in Ukraine from Alona, FRD Community Lead. Published 21 Feb 2022 | FreeRossDAO 🕊

I'm often reminded that every russian person is an individual. Question: what did those individuals do with their personal autonomy?

The first step to solving a problem is acknowledging that it exists. What are we acknowledging these days, russophobia? During genocide? Are we out of our minds completely? Ukrainians have been wronged on every level and we are being lectured that we should worry about russians?

What if this convo was the other way around? If I told this man he was as bad as russians, that he was an idiot, a hypocrite, that he needs to educate himself (which he does, btw), that there was clearly something wrong with him? These are just some of the things he told me

This literally happened at 5am when I was asking to please excuse myself because I was too tired and needed to rest.

How the hell is it a controversial thing to say that russians are responsible for what's happening as a society? Of course they are! Most of them are HAPPY about what's happening. #GenocideOfUkrainians

I was muted last night before I could even finish a sentence. The guy screaming at me that I should apologise to russians and that I'm an idiot wasn't muted.

This should be obvious to everyone, no? Why does this have to be explained?

Omg never happened before and here we go again