The russian “liberal opposition” should not be listened to about the #visaban

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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Ok let me help @leonidragozin who’s a little bit confused

❗️Not getting to sip latte in Riga is NOT a “human tragedy”, but #GenocideOfUkrainians is

❗️”Emigre opposition” is part of russia’s “special cultural operation” aimed at spreading the “nOt aLL ruSSiAnS” narrative

russian opposition is an oxymoron, BTW. It doesn’t exist. @leonidragozin


Here’s what the “heroic” emigre opposition does after they are “rescued” from the russia state:

❗️They join 🇷🇺 in its efforts to erase Ukrainians from existence, including in the cultural sphere

Here’s a 🧵 with the full story of my experience with 🇷🇺 “emigre opposition”.

📚 Long read, but it’s worth it for everyone to understand exactly what we are dealing with.

🎀 You can also click on hashtag #SpecialFeministOperation to explore community reaction 🦄

❗️Explore this 🧵 to see why #VisaBanForRussians is a measure that should’ve been implemented a long time ago 👇

#RussiansinEurope #VisaBan #RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianCulture #VisaBan

This conversation is also a good insight 👇 #RussiansinEurope #VisaBan #RussiaIsATerroristState #RussianCulture #VisaBan #VisaBanForRussians

This is the most idiotic situation I’ve seen in my whole life.

#russiaisaterroriststate #visabanforrussians

❗️If you believe that you can repeat the same action (or inaction) and get a completely different outcome as a result - you’re probably delusional.

Get off Twitter and go see the doctor.