Does It Make Sense

Author: Альона Шевченко
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Quick rule of thumb for "experts": before saying something about Ukrainians and russian Nazis, replace them in the same sentence with "Jewish people" and "German Nazis" and consider if you'd say that in public. If you wouldn't, then it's not appropriate. You're welcome. 🙂

To people who are "offended" by the comparison - if it doesn't offend our Jewish president, it shouldn't "offend" you.

Whoever talks about "diplomatic solutions" and "importance of negotiations" with a fascist state executing Ukrainians while that's being broadcasted live should be publicly called out. If they're comfortable saying that in public, they should be comfortable being challenged.

Unfortunately, there's a lot of people and publications doing this right now, but I'd especially love to hear from @MrTopple, @bywirenews, @jacobin, @PeterJHowson and his employer @NorthumbriaUni that won't respond to me for some reason.

I've been told by some friends to not pay attention to this - I thought about it quite a lot and believe it's a wrong approach. This kind of gaslighting becomes acceptable & normalised when people and org-tions are not called out. The consequences of it you can see in 🇺🇦 now.

Things get worse when those people have a reasonably big following or god forbid they get paid to teach uni students like @PeterJHowson. His research skillset is below the GSCE level so I don't understand how he's employed by @NorthumbriaUni.

Last thing - I used to wonder if those "experts" and "journalists" are just incredibly dumb or they're getting paid by the Kremlin. Right now, I'd say I really do not care about the "why". The consequences for Ukrainians are the same in any case - they're Bucha and Mariupol.