A fun little story on Darth Vader in Ukrainian politics

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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✨ Fun Fact you probably didn't know ✨

🪐 Darth Vader from the Ukrainian Internet Party actually once tried to run for president in Ukraine - mini-🧵

💔 The Central Electoral Commission rejected his application and instead he decided to run for mayor of Odesa

🖤 Here are some points from his campaign:

⚡️ to strengthen the Armed Forces of Ukraine (by building an orbital combat space station)

✨ raise salaries and pensions to the cosmic level (the “Bottomless Budget” program)

✨move Chornobyl 60 km further from Kyiv, closer to Belarus (I approve)

✨ recognize the Sith language as the second state language

I'm not making it up, btw: amp.theguardian.com: Ukraine's Darth Vader bids to lead nation to the dark side | Ukraine | The Guardian