Collective Responsiblity

Author: Альона Шевченко
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⚡️Introducing a "new" concept not familiar to russians and all genocide apologists: Collective responsibility ⚡️

I also recommend to read this book. Lots of insights for people worrying about poor russians who have no idea what's happening and would do something if they could.

Here you can learn about the mysterious russian soul, russian culture and other things they are proud of. You are welcome. I'm actually a big supporter of promoting russian culture, except I want people to know what it really is.

I explained at great length here all the reasons for why I say what I say. Please read this 🧵 before coming up with a new "yes, but..." There is no "but". They are collectively responsible for #GenocideOfUkrainians and we need to open our eyes on that.

Thank you, @rendissimo 💙💛……

Please familiarise yourself with the 🧵 above ❤️

Breaking news:

⚡️being proud of being russian is cancelled ⚡️

⚡️ real good russians are busy helping Ukraine, not self-pity and bleating about russophobia to look like a victim ⚡️…
