Social media bullying of Ukrainians

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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I'm a very friendly and understanding person. For the last 8 years I've been telling people that russia is a fascist state that is about to commit #GenocideOfUkrainians

I'm not taking shit from the people who are "pro-Ukraine" but bully me every single day.

I encourage everyone to listen to this conversation. None of this abuse has been called out by the hosts of the Twitter Spaces I was in. Instead they chose to harass myself and people like @KevinDuska who spoke up against them. #GenocideOfUkrainians

I heard zero apologies and seen zero efforts to put things right from the hosts present during the conversation above. #GenocideOfUkrainians

Instead, when I came back to address what happened, I received more abuse for over an hour. These people are now claiming to be the victims. #GenocideOfUkrainians

Here's what a Ukrainian person has to listen to during #GenocideOfUkrainians and @GrammarDomin8rx hosting the spaces has zero issues with it. Speaks volumes.

Here's what they did to "put things right". I think Ukraine is ok without supporters like that.

Now, I don't know if they're doing this at someone's command or they're just stupid but they definitely don't support Ukraine and they're more worried about their egos and the imaginary problems of russian babies than the actual suffering of Ukrainian children.

"Supporters of Ukraine", direct quote:

Extended (still very incomplete) version. @ndboulton you need to prepare the updates to this list with the stuff from the last 2 days, especially @StephenKolanko1 😂 ✅ shitty personality ✅ "mentality of putin" ✅ bitch ✅ should be thankful I'm not in a filtration camp

If you're curious about the filtration camp thing - I got you covered 👌

@StephenKolanko1 you must be hella proud of yourself

This is some next level cruelty, Nazis that you adore would be jealous.

#russianwarcrimes #StandWithUkraine #GenocideOfUkrainians #ArmUkraineNow #ArmUkraine…

@UkrainesGrains / @HansWorldTravls #StandWithUkraine #GenocideOfUkrainians #ArmUkraineNow #ArmUkraine

For a bit of context about who they were saying all this to. I don't publicise probably about 70% of what I do. @TankGirljunkie can confirm :)

Thanks @HansWorldTravls @UkrainesGrains for providing more evidence for me. The fact that you think this screenshot makes ME look bad is hilarious 😂 Does anyone has the recording of me coming in with "guns blazing"? 🤣…

@Ukrainesgraines @HansWorldTravls has my number because I was trying to help him with HIS work before I knew what kind of person he was. Can't believe he is tweeting this out himself 🤣🤣🤣

@UkrainesGrains *