The US is acting in its self-interests, and so should every country, and that means arming Ukraine

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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Glad he said this.

The US is acting for its self interest indeed. And so should other countries.

Global famine that russia is now organising is not going to do good on anyone's economy except russia's.

That's why EVERY country should do everything it can to #ArmUkraineNow

Helping Ukraine is not charity. You are saving yourself by doing that. Ukrainian men and women pick up weapons so that you don't have to.

#StandWithUkraine #ArmUkraine

Ukrainians are sacrificing their lives, for people from other countries, there is still an option to just have financial inconvenience - very minor one, compared to the nightmare it will snowball into if the drug cartels with tanks AKA 🇷🇺 isn't stopped.


"Be grateful for not being in a filtration camp" (c)

All I can say to @StephenKolanko1 - go fuck yourself.

P.S. in case you didn't know, @StephenKolanko1, money is actually a lot less valuable than human life.

They didn't teach you that at your Third Reich University, did they? Having to learn from a Ukrainian person about it must be a tough pill to swallow 💞

🧵 by @TimothyDSnyder

#RussianUkrainianWar #FoodSecurity


@cybersoroka 👏…