Thread about lists

Author: Альона ꑭ Шевченко
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🧵 about lists. I have been making "lists" actually. They are just different lists. Here are my posts from 22 February 2022, after 8 years of trying to tell people that russia is a fascist state that intends to commit #GenocideOfUkrainians

My friend: -Are [your family] in Ukraine? Me: -Of course. -Mum says Russians are making kill lists -Mine are not going anywhere. Yes. They are making those lists indeed. -Well that’s bad. She tells me not to post anything online.


My post from 22 Feb 2022: "If you or someone in your family have ever experienced racism, sexism, homophobia, abuse, violence, discrimination or opression of any kind - you have to show solidarity to Ukraine."

22 Feb 2022 - "We won't live under a dictatorship"

Another post from 22 Feb 2022. I am making lists indeed, @NovelSci 🙃 I've been making for years. Good luck to all the genocide apologists - @Reuters, @jacobin, @nytimes and many others. All of them will hear from us.
