Each of us has been in agony from 1000s propaganda cuts

Author: Альона Шевченко
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Ukrainians don't complain much but I hope they don't mind me saying this: I speak 4 languages and none of them has words that can describe how much it hurts to be one of us these days.

Each of us has been in agony from 1000s propaganda cuts. Literally, lie on a lie on a lie.

The injustice of it goes beyond most things that have happened in the human history before.

I don't understand how we manage to even survive, let alone deal with all this with so much dignity and class. It's superhuman resilience we are showing for the last 87 days.

We are literally going through a genocide and in the meantime I watch my friends worrying every day about how to communicate this to some of our "allies" without upsetting/stressing them too much. We think about their feelings (!)

We do that while they are paying for us to be killed. I barely left the house the last 3 months and today I went for a walk. It was sunny, and I thought of every Ukrainian person who'll never see sunlight again - or anything else. Because they were killed for being Ukrainian.

My friends found me crying my eyes out in the park and forced me to take a tranquiliser. I went home and probably won't leave for the next week or so. That's the trauma I have after spending 0 (!) days in the warzone.

Imagine what Ukrainians from these photos went through?

These are my main academic qualifications. I'm also a qualified translator: www.ciol.org.uk: Member check | CIOL (Chartered Institute of Linguists)

You know what I have to do every day? Begging for heavy weapons everywhere I can so that my family survives this and I can see them again. Is this normal?

There are no more Mondays, weekends, no days of the week in my life. It's been one long limbo I'm stuck in until this ends, because it's a matter of life and death.

I'll never forgive myself if looking back at this time I'll think "there was something else I could've done".

Patriotism of Ukrainians is not some unhealthy attachment to a piece of land. That land has pretty much everything and everyone we love. Would you not fight for it if you were us? It's not even as much heroism as it's self-preservation instinct.

We have every right to be angry and to hate (!) the people, countries and organisations responsible for this war. We won't ever be blinded by hatred like russians are right now - for no reason. We don't have it in us. So fuck off if you're worrying about "russophobia".

Wrapping up with this rant as I have to speak to my dear @revrfg but please show more empathy to the awful emotional pain we are in. #ArmUkraineNow and maybe you won't have to record every call you have with your loved ones like I do now - in case it becomes the last one.

Once I saw on the news my region was getting shelled and ran to the bathroom thinking I was going to be sick but instead just had this nosebleed I couldn't stop for ages. Another time called dad about an airstrike someone tweeted about, and he said "I just saw it in real life"

Adding to this 🧵 information about the biggest russian propaganda news agency - @Reuters

My first encounter with a russian propagandist, 2014.

I speak and write in russian better than the vast majority of russians. I've also read most "classical r*ssian literature". When Serebrennikov was bleating in Cannes about 🇷🇺 culture promoting "human values", he forgot to add that their "human value" is murder. twitter.com/krides/status/…

Background info on me:

🧵„Demilitarisation kills”. Why Western feminist pacifism doesn’t work in Ukraine.

russian Orthodox Church is a terrorist organisation.

russian culture in #Kherson:

Next time you see someone defending russian culture, remember that once of the primary aims of it is erasing Ukrainians and everything Ukrainian out of existence. Most "great russian artists" are Ukrainians/people of other ethnicities appropriated by russians.

Also: russian opposition is an oxymoron.

Here's a list of weapons Ukraine needs: saveualist.com: What Ukraine Needs To Win The War

Most critical: 🛸Heavy Artillery 🪖Heavy Armor 🚀 Missiles 🛩 Military Aircraft 🚚 Light Vehicles

I also encourage everyone to donate to @BackAndAlive #ArmUkraineNow #StandWithUkraine

This is very important to understand. russians have no problem hating putin and hating Ukraine at the same time. It's not putin who's committing war crimes in Ukraine. It's russians. And most russians back in russia are cheering to that. twitter.com/krides/status/…

@Ukraine will prevail.

A 🧵 I wrote after having to listen about "Ukrainian nazis" from a far-right American guy in one of the Twitter Spaces I joined:

Dear @ClarkeMicah, since you're in England too, maybe you'd like to meet me? Would love to have a public conversation with you about what justifies #GenocideOfUkrainians and why you believe that people like me should die. cc: @McFaul

Almost forgot to say hello to one of the biggest genocide apologists in the UK - Jeremy Corbyn. His recent remarks have shown his real face and what's behind the righteousness and integrity he claimed to have his whole life - hatred for life itself. @jeremycorbyn

Useful 🧵I wrote last month:

🧵 about why it's important to listen to Ukrainians:

Atttaching "Ukraine DAO in Media" page.

@Ukraine_DAO marketing budget: $0.

ukraine-dao.notion.site: Ukraine DAO In The Media

Hello @Reuters @jacobin @PeterJHowson @ClintEhrlich @jeremycorbyn @ChristopherJM @ClarkeMicah @BenjaminNorton how y'all doing? Wanna talk?

А 🧵 about @PeterJHowson from @NorthumbriaUni who wrote a very interesting article mentioning 🇺🇦 "unfortunate neo-Nazi problem", Ukraine DAO and myself. Unfortunately, some people pay to be taught by this guy even though I don't understand how he passed high school exams.

Dear Germany and France,

do not worry about the Warsaw-Kyiv axis.

Unless you help to #ArmUkraineNow, the Warsaw-Kyiv axis is going to be the least of your concerns. Here's what will worry you instead: pic.twitter.com/zutYUTEzrF

@AnnaPolkharkiv sending you love twitter.com/AnnaPolkharkiv…

Thank you for sharing @AAraminta 💔 It's PTSD. I've not been to the warzone, I'm in the UK and I still:

When I realised that #Azovstal defenders ended up in russia, I fully lost my shit - I was partially blaming myself for what happened. I often talk about this feeling of guilt that many Ukrainians share: twitter.com/cryptodrftng/s…

"Every single Ukrainian is a testament of resilience - proof that his or her ancestors have been able to live through bloody XX century which hit Ukraine hard. Resilience is in our blood."